Posts from category: Marketing Automation

[New feature] New and unbeatable Email Marketing Dashboard. Explore new types of behavioural and transactional data to improve your email efficiency.

    Email campaigns continue to be one of the most effective tools in marketing all the while being updated with new possibilities, like advanced personalization or A/B/X tests. As these new methods become available, it can be cumbersome to keep track of all aspects of your campaigns. This is exactly why we’re introducing a […]

[New feature] Purchase, CLV and customer churn prediction – new advanced contact database analytics based on AI & Machine Learning algorithms

    Use a new dimension of analytics in your communication strategy and execute marketing campaigns and automation processes based on predictions of our AI & Machine Learning engine. Increase customer retention and lifetime value by predicting the next customer purchase or their churn and sending perfectly tailored offers at the right time and through […]

3 arguments why you should include WhatsApp Marketing and Viber marketing to your mobile communications strategy

    New Mobile Marketing 2.0 feature in SALESmanago introduces changes that will help you to better engage your customers on mobile. Learn 3 new functions that open up the possibility to use additional communication channels and increase the efficiency of your mobile marketing activities.    Increase click-through-rate of your campaigns thanks to the new […]

60% of Europeans changed their shopping habits permanently due to COVID-19

    The global COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives both socially and economically. For many Europeans, the sudden closure of stores resulted in the necessity to befriend online shopping. Compared to the previous year, the value of the eCommerce market grew by 12.7%, reaching €717 billion.  What has changed from the e-store’s perspective?   […]

[New Feature] Mobile Marketing 2.0: Enrich your mobile 1-to-1 personalization strategy with powerful WhatsApp and Viber communicators.

  Mobile users generate 66% of Internet traffic and 79% of them make their shopping decisions based on offers sent via mobile messaging apps and SMS. We introduce totally new Mobile Marketing in SALESmanago, which extends your mobile campaigns’ capabilities with new channels – Whatsapp and Viber.   Mobile messaging is still one of the […]

80% of companies improve their lead generation with marketing automation

  Even though there is a variety of lead generation tools on the market, 63% of businesses still see acquiring potential customer’s data as a big marketing challenge.  Learn how using Customer Data Platforms enables companies to get more good quality leads.   Capturing the leads effectively   Regardless of whether you work in B2B […]

[Case Study] increases Email Marketing open rate results several-fold by using advanced segmentation and dynamic content in the marketing email communication. is a wonderful world of blue denim. Although they have been on the market since 2014, its creators have over 20 years of experience. runs an online retail store and a stationary one, where you can find products from various manufacturers. customers can easily choose from a wide selection of clothes […]

Unlocking the Power of Zero-Party Data: Insights from Forrester Consulting Study
Unlocking the Power of Zero-Party Data: Insights from Forrester Consulting Study

    Almost all marketers plan to utilize zero-party data to address information deprecation. At the same time, as Forrester’s research shows, less than half know how to use such datasets successfully!   In February 2022, Forrester Consulting surveyed 200 digital marketing decision makers (manager+) focused on customer acquisition. These decision makers work for companies […]

Top 3 Trends in Omnichannel Automation to Follow
Top 3 Trends in Omnichannel Automation to Follow

Discover the top three trends in omnichannel automation for 2023. From multichannel attribution to leveraging customer data and meeting changing consumer expectations, explore how these trends empower eCommerce marketing specialists to create seamless experiences, enhance personalization, and drive growth in the dynamic world of eCommerce.

Marketers – We Stand With You
Marketers – We Stand With You

    Why Email Marketing and Marketing Automation Should Be Free for All Businesses   We often take for granted that we don’t need to pay for critical business tools like an email account or our daily admin tools like Google Slides, Docs, and Sheets. Yet, we are still required to pay for Email Marketing […]

Top 7 trends in Customer Data Management in 2023 and 2024
Top 7 trends in Customer Data Management in 2023 and 2024

    In today’s data-driven business landscape, effective customer data management is paramount for organizations seeking to gain a competitive edge. By harnessing customer data, businesses can unlock valuable insights, drive personalized experiences, and build long-lasting relationships with their customers. Explore the top trends shaping customer data management in 2023 and 2024, shedding light on […]

[New feature] Turn raw data into a fully functional contact database on your first attempt using the error-proof guidance of our Contact Import Wizard
[New feature] Turn raw data into a fully functional contact database on your first attempt using the error-proof guidance of our Contact Import Wizard

Introducing the Contact Import Wizard: your smooth start to a CDP adventure. Import contacts effortlessly with innovative mapping and fail-safe mechanisms. Transform raw data into a bespoke, functional database. Gain independence from IT and optimize marketing efforts. Import, tag, and correct data quickly for remarkable results.