Posts from category: SALESmanago

Marketing Automation allows to combat forgetting curve in the sales process

Forgetting curve is a way back confirmed phenomenon of human brain. It turns out that most of us forget 79% of new information within a few days since learning about it. For entrepreneurs, it means that their potential clients forget most information received in marketing and sales activities or they even blow completely info existence. […]

Does Marketing Automation implementation makes marketers work better?

The number of businesses and persons around the world taking advantage of Marketing Automation grows day in, day out. Does making brand new technologies available to marketers lets them work better and influences their performance? Essentially not, and that’s why it’s so important for a purchase of a new tool to go together with the […]

Contact monitoring and identification with Marketing Automation

Marketing and sales automation is possible thanks to person’s behavior identification and monitoring on WWW page and in communication channels. Automation works by reacting to those behaviors and carrying out actions, stated in automation principles. That’s why, working with Marketing Automation, one should place emphasis on identification of highest possible number of contacts. In this […]

Marketing Automation implementation means revenue increase by 75% or more

Main purpose of each implementation and new purchase in the company is upswing of the revenue, which is achieved by effectiveness increase or gaining new prospects. According to RazorSocial’s Ian Cleary research, Marketing Automation implementation results in revenue increase in 80-85% cases, depending on the system chosen.

Which communication channels generate valuable traffic?

One of the biggest challenges a marketer faces in e-commerce is driving visitors to WWW page. The challenge is not only number of visitors but their matching to the shop offer. A marketer confronts wide range of possibilities to choose from and needs to pick those channels that will bring clients to the business. MarketingSherpa […]

5 steps to choose suitable Marketing Automation system

In an international Marketing Automation market we can observe specialized and sophisticated solutions, with wide spectrum of functionality. When picking up the right tool for your business, you’ll face a tough task: to find a system, which will secure all your needs, at a fair price and ready for further development in the future. Not […]

How many emails are sent by companies from e-mail Marketing platforms vs. emails sent from Marketing Automation system

Marketo, one of Marketing Automation industry leaders, carried out their own research concerning the use of technology in marketing. According to their study, 43% of small businesses, which employ up to 50 persons, do not implement e-mail Marketing systems. However, in bigger companies, Marketing Automation systems are natural choice and are used to pursue more […]

How to tackle contact behavioral segmentation in Marketing Automation

Contacts division into groups with comparable interests is a right step, as it helps to efficiently tailor the content sent to the needs of our potential and current clients. The messages sent to particular contacts and subject tailored to them, turn out to reach much higher opening and click ratings and in addition, significantly increase […]

Marketing Automation for intermediate users – 4 tips

Two weeks ago we discussed initial processes to be taken by rookies implementing Marketing Automation. We hope you found those tips useful and helpful to understand basic principles and rules when activating a new marketing solution. As we are familiar with the first steps, now it’s time to move on to higher level activities. Today, […]

6 industries which need to keep their eyes open for Marketing Automation in 2014

Marketing Automation keeps growing. It’s been the fastest developing software sector for marketing and sales. However, despite its quick growth and huge prospects, it’s still relatively unexplored among industries not being purely technological. Marketing Automation can be implemented in practically every industry and boost company market position. Below, we introduce 6 industries, which could profit […]

[Tips & Tricks] 7 Quick Pro Tips For eCommerce Dashboards Personalization
[Tips & Tricks] 7 Quick Pro Tips For eCommerce Dashboards Personalization

    eCommerce dashboards provide real-time insight into the dynamics of online stores and allow you to quickly identify areas that require urgent action, streamlining workflows, and re-allocating resources. A well-tailored data visualization software is a valuable marketing tool. What are the best tips to personalize a dashboard? Here are a few tricks.   As […]

[Tips & Tricks] 3 Out-of-the-box Ideas For Personalizing B2C Emails
[Tips & Tricks] 3 Out-of-the-box Ideas For Personalizing B2C Emails

    Email marketing plays an extremely important role in the B2C sector. It helps you stay in touch with your customers, make sales efficiently and build relationships and loyalty. A few simple tricks help boost this communication and quickly tailor messages to specific audiences in a clever way. Here are 3 uncommon ideas for […]

SALESmanago LLC & Aghreni Technologies Pvt Limited (Brand – Kenscio), India announces Marketing & Support Services Partnership to offer Customer Data and Experience Platform
SALESmanago LLC & Aghreni Technologies Pvt Limited (Brand – Kenscio), India announces Marketing & Support Services Partnership to offer Customer Data and Experience Platform

    SALESmanago, a leading Customer Data and Experience Platform (CDXP) provider in Europe & USA and Encircl LLC, a fully owned US subsidiary of Aghreni Technologies Pvt Ltd, headquartered in Bengaluru, India, owner of the popular brand ‘Kenscio’ and a leading Digital Marketing products and services company serving customers globally announced the marketing and support partnership to promote […]

[Tips & Tricks] Masterclass of dynamic Omnichannel excellence
[Tips & Tricks] Masterclass of dynamic Omnichannel excellence

    Building an omnichannel experience is slowly becoming the market standard in e-commerce. One of the premises of this trend is to create a consistent experience in all channels and throughout all touch points between the customer and the brand. One of the most useful tools in the implementation of this idea is dynamic […]

[New Feature] AI, no-code Hyper Segmentation goes beyond traditional segmentation with real-time high propensity, churn customer identification and one click availability across all execution channels
[New Feature] AI, no-code Hyper Segmentation goes beyond traditional segmentation with real-time high propensity, churn customer identification and one click availability across all execution channels

    As Campaign Monitor reminds us, segmented campaigns can lead to a 760% increase in revenue. What’s more, segmentation makes companies 130% more likely to research the motivations of their buyers and 60% more likely to understand their fears and challenges – which leads to exceeding companies’ lead generation and revenue goal. Hyper Segmentation […]

Business Intelligence contribution to eCommerce is far beyond what you can imagine, with 46% of companies using BI tools as a core part of their business strategy
Business Intelligence contribution to eCommerce is far beyond what you can imagine, with 46% of companies using BI tools as a core part of their business strategy

    Business Intelligence (BI) is a process that uses a variety of tools to help companies collect, analyze, present, and integrate data to produce actionable insights. With as many as 46% of companies using BI tools as a key part of their business strategy, learn about the importance of BI for your company’s growth. […]