Posts from category: SALESmanago

SALESmanago recognized as The Young Brand of Success

26th of January 2017, SALESmanago was awarded with a first prize in a prestigious contest Mloda Marka Sukcesu (The Young Brand of Success), receiving a cash prize for the advertising purposes. The 6th edition of the competition was organized by one of the most  important newspapers in Poland – Rzeczpospolita. Companies selected to join the contest […]

Telefonica, Oriflame and 1500 other new customers plus $7mln revenue of SALESmanago Marketing Automation in 2016

SALESmanago, a leading European marketing automation platform, 5th consecutive year achieved 100% increase in revenue. Among the new customers, the most prominent are global Oriflame, the largest Spanish companies like Telefonica and Endesa and brands like KFC, Pizza Hut and Starbucks. Employment at the company grew from 60 people in December 2015 to over 250 […]

[Infographics] Let’s Talk Customer Value Marketing… once again

Synergy is not only an irritating marketing buzzword. It is also an effect that occurs when the sum of some actions (or things) working together is greater than the total effect of them working separately. Once in a few years a company looks back at its actions, makes the math and finds an epiphany – […]

We Need to Talk About Customer Value Marketing

So you have tried everything, right? Outbound was too aggressive, inbound wasn’t expansive at all, green gave a minimal result, and agile consumed too much of your precious time and was hard to automate? Stop right there! You don’t need to try every novelty and hot idea. Sometimes the novelties aren’t the new black! Let’s […]

How to Integrate SALESmanago with Youtube Player? [Free Template]

We love moving pictures – whether we watch them on TV, laptop, tablet or smartphone. Making instructional, advertising, and product showcasing videos became common thing for both global, big brands, but also smaller local ones. It’s much easier for us, recipients of content, to engage in something colorful and moving, than with static picture or […]

Unlocking the Power of Zero-Party Data: Insights from Forrester Consulting Study
Unlocking the Power of Zero-Party Data: Insights from Forrester Consulting Study

    Almost all marketers plan to utilize zero-party data to address information deprecation. At the same time, as Forrester’s research shows, less than half know how to use such datasets successfully!   In February 2022, Forrester Consulting surveyed 200 digital marketing decision makers (manager+) focused on customer acquisition. These decision makers work for companies […]

Top 3 Trends in Omnichannel Automation to Follow
Top 3 Trends in Omnichannel Automation to Follow

Discover the top three trends in omnichannel automation for 2023. From multichannel attribution to leveraging customer data and meeting changing consumer expectations, explore how these trends empower eCommerce marketing specialists to create seamless experiences, enhance personalization, and drive growth in the dynamic world of eCommerce.

Marketers – We Stand With You
Marketers – We Stand With You

    Why Email Marketing and Marketing Automation Should Be Free for All Businesses   We often take for granted that we don’t need to pay for critical business tools like an email account or our daily admin tools like Google Slides, Docs, and Sheets. Yet, we are still required to pay for Email Marketing […]

Top 7 trends in Customer Data Management in 2023 and 2024
Top 7 trends in Customer Data Management in 2023 and 2024

    In today’s data-driven business landscape, effective customer data management is paramount for organizations seeking to gain a competitive edge. By harnessing customer data, businesses can unlock valuable insights, drive personalized experiences, and build long-lasting relationships with their customers. Explore the top trends shaping customer data management in 2023 and 2024, shedding light on […]

[New feature] Turn raw data into a fully functional contact database on your first attempt using the error-proof guidance of our Contact Import Wizard
[New feature] Turn raw data into a fully functional contact database on your first attempt using the error-proof guidance of our Contact Import Wizard

Introducing the Contact Import Wizard: your smooth start to a CDP adventure. Import contacts effortlessly with innovative mapping and fail-safe mechanisms. Transform raw data into a bespoke, functional database. Gain independence from IT and optimize marketing efforts. Import, tag, and correct data quickly for remarkable results.