Posts from category: SALESmanago

Supercharging Marketing Automation With Content Marketing [Guest Post]

Marketing automation provides the opportunity to target prospects more accurately in less time. However, without the right content, marketing automation quickly turns into spam, cold calls, and junk mail, targeting the same people over and over with the same unwelcome message. Marketing automation needs content marketing to deliver the right content, to the right person, […]

SALESmanago App Ranked #2 in GetApp’s Ranking

SALESmanago won a silver medal in 2016 SaaS Games, GetApp’s ranking, based on user reviews. The Polish software is the only one representing Europe among its American competitors. SALESmanago classified as second, overtook applications such as Hubspot and ActiveCampaign.   “SALESmanago Marketing Automation deserves credit for breaking the American stranglehold on this event. The Polish-built […]

SALESmanago Product Profile – Meet the New Possibilities

Alan Turing, Ada Lovelace, Nicola Tesla. It’s only three of the thousands of names responsible for a modern digital revolution. A lot has changed since the first steps leading to the creation of a thinking machine. Computers that used to send space crews to the Earth’s orbit, now fit into a pocket, the Internet is […]

The Discreet Charm of the TAG

In her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, Marie Kondo writes, that her decluttering studies begun on a full-scale when she was in the junior high school. She used to work using the one-day-one-place method; on Mondays – her room, on Tuesdays – her sister’s room, etc. […]

First law of shitty emails, or why you should go fishing

The first law of shitty emails is – if you don’t know how to catch a fish you won’t be able to catch a customer via email. Seriously! What’s wrong with you guys? I open my inbox, and instantly want to delete all incoming messages. And if I, by mistake, open one – I want […]

RFM Model – How to Successfully Segment Your Database

Fact: bulk emails don’t work. You prepare a newsletter, add some specials, some articles, Customer Service phone number and press “send to all.” A few days after, you check stats (expecting OR to be at least 40%) and oops-a-daisy: OR=5%, CtR=0,8%. It’s not even because the customers are pickier these days. Of course, we have […]

17 Problems Marketing Automation Will Solve

When you choose Marketing Automation Platform, it’s a good idea to know exactly what do you expect from it and what problem(s) do you want to address. The Precise definition of your needs will be vital to picking the right software for your business. You might use the list below to find these. You know […]

5 ways to collect qualitative data from customers

Numbers are great. You can easily analyze them and some say they don’t lie. In fact, we love numbers so much and we produce so vast amounts of them that we came up with a special term ‘big data’. This buzzword is on mouths of all marketers and, of course, analysts. The reason? Numbers really […]

Lean not Lazy: How to Avoid Overreliance on AI in Marketing
Lean not Lazy: How to Avoid Overreliance on AI in Marketing

    In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, where customer expectations are higher than ever, marketers are constantly seeking innovative ways to drive engagement and deliver personalized experiences. One technology that has gained significant traction is AI. This powerful tool harnesses the potential of artificial intelligence to automate processes, enhance personalization, and streamline marketing efforts. […]

Agile marketing: What it is and why marketers should care
Agile marketing: What it is and why marketers should care

    Agile marketing is having a moment. According to AgileSherpas over 40% of the 513 marketers surveyed said they use some form of agile in their work. Among the 42% of respondents who still use traditional marketing approaches, 91% said they plan to implement an agile framework within a year. You will find more […]

Mastering Marketing Personalisation: A 4-Step Guide to systematic boost of eCommerce Growth
Mastering Marketing Personalisation: A 4-Step Guide to systematic boost of eCommerce Growth

    Personalisation has become a key strategy for eCommerce businesses looking to engage customers, drive sales, and build brand loyalty. By tailoring marketing messages and experiences to individual customers, marketers can create a more relevant and impactful customer journey. In this article, we will explore four essential steps to achieving effective personalisation in eCommerce […]

6 Things about Email Templates Every eCommerce Marketer Should Know, Explained
6 Things about Email Templates Every eCommerce Marketer Should Know, Explained

    Email templates are a game-changer for eCommerce marketers, revolutionizing customer engagement and driving sales. In this article, we explore the six crucial insights every marketer should know about email templates. From boosting efficiency to enhancing branding, personalization, mobile optimization, A/B testing, and automation, these features unlock the full potential of email campaigns, resonating […]

Shift Towards Integrated Suites over Best of Breed approach Revealed in Recent Gartner Report
Shift Towards Integrated Suites over Best of Breed approach Revealed in Recent Gartner Report

    A recent report by Gartner sheds light on the changing landscape of marketing technology (martech) and highlights a concerning trend of decreasing utilization of existing capabilities as well as major shift towards integrated suites.  The 2022 Gartner Marketing and Communications Technology Survey aimed to explore the state of martech acquisition, adoption, and use, […]

Ecommerce Marketers Struggling to Get Close to Customers, Research Reveals
Ecommerce Marketers Struggling to Get Close to Customers, Research Reveals

    SALESmanago launches findings from its CUPID Score, which calculates how successfully ecommerce marketers are measuring customer engagement SALESmanago CEO calls for marketers to embrace Customer Data Platforms to tackle these challenges   Kraków, May 10, 2023 — Customer intimacy and convenience are key challenges for ecommerce marketers across Europe. That’s according to research gathered from SALESmanago’s CUPID […]

Lean Marketer Guide: Marketing Technology Optimization: The path to peak martech stack performance
Lean Marketer Guide: Marketing Technology Optimization: The path to peak martech stack performance

    Hello! for today a quick look at a key component of Lean Marketing approach (which we love at SALESmanago) namely: Marketing Technology Optimization (MTO) If you haven’t yet met it focuses on:   Evaluating current marketing technology tools and platforms. Identifying gaps or redundancies. Making data-driven decisions on eliminating existing or implementing new martech solutions.  […]