Posts from category: Recommended

6 Must-Do Marketing Ideas For 2015. Get inspired!

Where do you get fresh campaign ideas? Today marketing is tricky. Conventional universal manuals and textbooks seem useless while there is too many valuable content on the web to read it all, not to mention that you can also stumble upon many medium-quality, unoriginal and useless pieces. For all of you who search for some […]

What Marketing Automation Really Is?

Marketers know that Marketing Automation delivers real value, yet they delay with choosing the platform and implementing it, Andrew Jones (Venture Beat) says. Why? One of the reasons is numerous understatements and misconceptions grown around the problem. That’s why we would like to organize knowledge on Marketing Automation: show how it works, what features it […]

Why Customers Leave? 6 tips: How to Keep them (with Marketing Automation)

You lose customers out of indifference and wrong attitude. 68% of consumers declare that this is the reason why they stop buying from or use the services of the provider. For comparison, only 14% of customers leave a brand because of the attractiveness of competitors’ offers (Business Brief). It means that if you lose a […]

How to Reduce Lead Leakage with Marketing Automation

Marketers often focus on acquiring new leads, only to lost most of them afterwards. 80% of leads generated don’t interact with sales in any way (Lisa Cramer, Marketing Profs). The phenomenon is called lead leakage: it means gradual loss of leads on their way through the funnel. It’s so common that there are memes about […]

5 Trends in Social Media That Will Transform Marketing

Social media are becoming more and more important part of our lives. We take a photo of our dinner, although we do it ironically. We sit on Facebook and cry over the paradise lost of the pre-internet era when human interactions used to be more spontaneous and direct. There is no contradiction here: it only […]

Learn from Beyonce! 5 Songs that Will Revolutionize Your Marketing

  There is a lot of unexpected wisdom in pop songs we carelessly sing in the shower, intone when driving a car and dance to at parties. The 5 pieces listed below contain a lot of marketing knowledge! We hope to deliver you a source of inspiration, as well as an origin of a playlist […]

Webinar. Step by step guide to the ultimate B2B marketing tool.

When you struggle to acquire new leads and increase your customers’ engagement, webinars can significantly strengthen your hand. We will try to convince you to add them to your marketing arsenal and share most successful tactics. Also, we will provide answers to burning webinar questions, like whether to record a webinar, how to use after […]

Beacons for brick-and-mortar stores: 5 pros and cons

Beacons: are they a groundbreaking technology, or just another marketing buzzword? We believe that they can revolutionize shopping experience both in brick and mortar stores and online. Marketing and interactions with sales assistants will become more personal and relevant, resulting in strengthening bonds between the user and a brand. Despite the enthusiasm, we still see […]

SALESmanago and APPmanago create a marketing automation solution actually ready for mobile revolution

SALESmanago, world’s TOP6 marketing automation platform with over 3500 implementations in 40 countries has been integrated with APPmanago, a mobile marketing automation platform creating a unique set of solutions encompassing traditional desktop based automation with smartphone based mobile marketing automation. APPmanago, that has been launched last week, offers a unique set of features like analysis […]

SALESmanago expands partnership program to meet growing demand for Zero Party Data-powered Customer Engagement
SALESmanago expands partnership program to meet growing demand for Zero Party Data-powered Customer Engagement

    The company’s partner-first strategy, including investment in strategic hires, tooling and infrastructure, significantly increases revenue and global market penetration  SALESmanago now counts 2,500 customers globally and has launched CUPID, the leading industry benchmark tool for customer experience   May 2, 2023 – Krakow – SALESmanago, the leader in customer engagement platform for eCommerce […]

Research Confirms Incredible KPI’s Boost For CDP Users!
Research Confirms Incredible KPI’s Boost For CDP Users!

    We wondered how the most innovative brands use CDPs to deliver cutting edge customer experience and drive revenue, so we dived deep into various data on CDP users.  In this article we summarized and analyzed some of the most important findings.   Overall conclusions are simple:  CDP users meet their marketing goals twice […]

CEP The Next Evolution In Data Personalization. CDP In A Nutshell part3
CEP The Next Evolution In Data Personalization. CDP In A Nutshell part3

    Are you familiar with the differences between a Customer Engagement Platform and a Customer Data Platform? While you might already know about Customer Data Platforms and may even use them, a Customer Engagement Platform has much more to offer than just collecting and consolidating data. In fact, a Customer Engagement Platform can have […]

CDP vs CRM vs DMP And Which One Is Better? CDP In A Nutshell part 2
CDP vs CRM vs DMP And Which One Is Better? CDP In A Nutshell part 2

    In this article we  break down painpoints of CRMs and explain in detail how CDP solves them all, streamlining marketing efforts and paving the road to Customer Intimacy. Many eCommerce companies still utilize some form of CRM software, in rare cases Data Management Platform (DMP). Having this in mind, we decided to compare […]

How CDP works as a foundation of your company’s MarTech stack
How CDP works as a foundation of your company’s MarTech stack

    As the company matures, its MarTech stack grows more or less complete and it leaves less room for new tools and improvements, not to mention the costs, that grow rapidly. Yet, the CDP market growth estimations show some whooping values, and this fact clearly indicates that even mature companies see the potential in […]

What Is A Customer Data Platform? CDP In A Nutshell part 1
What Is A Customer Data Platform? CDP In A Nutshell part 1

    In the CDP In A Nutshell three-article series, we explain the basics of the Customer Data Platforms: what they are, how they are different from legacy systems, why they are better, and – most importantly – how can you, and your company benefit from their vast abilities. In this article we explain what […]

Is a Customer Engagement Platform just a new buzzword for CDP?
Is a Customer Engagement Platform just a new buzzword for CDP?

    A Customer Engagement Platform is much more than a Customer Data Platform, which you already know, and maybe even utilize. Its functions far exceed gathering and unifying data, and its empowering effect on the marketing teams is tremendous. In this article, we will explain the difference.  To face the challenges of the current […]

The perfect match: Why customer intimacy is vital
The perfect match: Why customer intimacy is vital

    Knowing your customer and knowing your partner is not all that dissimilar. The difference between them, however, is that knowing your customers is easier. With customer expectations changing, it’s a great time for brands to assess how to create lasting customer relationships.  With the rising trend of authentic marketing, consumers are more interested in […]