Posts from category: Marketing Automation

[New feature] Redefine the experience of your online store with The First and Only Personal Shopping Inbox with One to One Messaging, Wish Lists, Special Offers and Recommendations.

  As Econsultancy reminds us, 93% of companies saw a rise in conversion rates after implementing personalization. It’s little wonder then that companies are looking for different and cutting-edge ways to deliver website content. Personal Shopping Inbox is an innovative solution that allows you to achieve the level of personalization and shopping experience in your […]

Q2 2021 Roadmap: New, great stuff for eCommerce: AI driven insights and tips for Marketers, Hyper Segmentation, Web Push 2.0, and the only and first on the market Personal Shopping Inbox

  Our product strategy remains to deliver best-in-class solutions for online stores. But what our customers love is not only the current great state of the platform but more importantly they buy the future of our platform’s growth. We love being on the martech market because it constantly opens new opportunities for marketers. With our […]

[New Feature] AI, no-code Hyper Segmentation goes beyond traditional segmentation with real-time high propensity, churn customer identification and one click availability across all execution channels

    As Campaign Monitor reminds us, segmented campaigns can lead to a 760% increase in revenue. What’s more, segmentation makes companies 130% more likely to research the motivations of their buyers and 60% more likely to understand their fears and challenges – which leads to exceeding companies’ lead generation and revenue goal. Hyper Segmentation […]

[New feature] One-click access to Voice Commerce in your Online Store. Connect CDP data, NLP and AI Product Recommendations to Voice Search to deliver next-gen mobile buying experience.

    Have you heard about Voice Commerce? According to Visual Thesaurus, people can speak 125 to 150 words per minute, which’s over three times faster than the average typing speed. Because of this inherent human ability, voice search became a new daily habit of our lives. It’s more natural for people to talk than […]

[Tips & Tricks] Email click-through rate sweet secrets

    Let’s focus on how many emails we receive daily. Well, surprisingly, the number of mailings reaches an average of 121 emails per day (CampaignMonitor).  So how to step out from the promotional-email-marketing-crowd? You have to make your mailing unique and eye-catching. It’s a kind of a harsh job when 14.5 billion spam emails […]

How Spal Ferrara Re-Engaged Fans and Grew Leads by 29.82%
How Spal Ferrara Re-Engaged Fans and Grew Leads by 29.82%

    By leveraging Salesmanago’s tools, Spal Ferrara saw remarkable enhancement in lead generation, contact base management, revenue stimulation and content deliverability,  resulting in increased user loyalty and engagement.   SPAL is a professional football club based in Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italy. The team currently plays in Serie C, the third tier of the Italian football […]

Marketers lose the right to choose their tools. Do you have to let it go?
Marketers lose the right to choose their tools. Do you have to let it go?

    by Aleksander Skałka, Director of Solutions Consulting & Sales Enablement   Observing trends among the greatest eCommerce players, marketers from small and medium companies must wonder, how did this happen, that their daily challenges differ so much from the problems that bother the biggest industry’s players? Latest observation: marketers lose the influence to […]

Reimagining Doorways to Success: PORTA’s Story
Reimagining Doorways to Success: PORTA’s Story

    Unattainable results? Not in our book. The synergy between PORTA KMI POLAND and SALESmanago is a living testament to that.   PORTA has been opening doors across Europe for three decades, not just literally, but also via innovation and design. PORTA’s path as a leading Polish brand in door manufacture and distribution reflects […]

5 [turbo] effective segmentations for even small eCommerce
5 [turbo] effective segmentations for even small eCommerce

    Segmentation is a basis for any coherent and structured marketing activity and we’ve been in the loop about it for ages. The problem is that in 2024 traditional segmentation is not accurate enough to allow you to provide precious customers with the experience personalized on the level they are accustomed to. But hey, there’s a […]

Time to Clean the House. Why there is no progress without data hygiene and how CDP can help bring a Christmas Glow to Your Data Strategy
Time to Clean the House. Why there is no progress without data hygiene and how CDP can help bring a Christmas Glow to Your Data Strategy

    by Aleksander Skałka, Director of Solutions Consulting & Sales Enablement   The holiday season is upon us, and it’s time for eCommerce companies to ensure their data house is sparkling clean. In this article, we’ll explore the critical importance of data hygiene for eCommerce success and delve into how Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) […]

Unpacking SALESmanago’s Black Friday Aftermath
Unpacking SALESmanago’s Black Friday Aftermath

    This year’s Black Friday wasn’t just another sales event; it was a groundbreaking phenomenon among SALESmanago’s customers, as revealed in our latest report. The key takeaway? A record-breaking performance in both marketing communications and transactions.   2023’s Black Friday saw a strategic shift with marketing communications kicking off much earlier than usual. Campaigns […]

The Magic of Countdown
The Magic of Countdown

    by Sergiusz Olszewski, Product Operations Manager   As we approach the holiday season, the concept of the advent calendar—a special calendar used to count down the days to Christmas—becomes a staple in many households. But what if we could harness this same sense of anticipation and excitement in our email marketing? Enter the […]