[New Feature] AI, no-code Hyper Segmentation goes beyond traditional segmentation with real-time high propensity, churn customer identification and one click availability across all execution channels


As Campaign Monitor reminds us, segmented campaigns can lead to a 760% increase in revenue. What’s more, segmentation makes companies 130% more likely to research the motivations of their buyers and 60% more likely to understand their fears and challenges – which leads to exceeding companies’ lead generation and revenue goal. Hyper Segmentation takes this game to the whole new level through adapting no-code, AI-driven solutions to bring even more marketing ROI.


You want to use 1:1 hyper segmentation, but can’t code? That can be arranged!


It seems like marketers and e-commerce owners have recognized the importance of the right consumer experience. I’m talking about an experience that can’t be faked with mass campaigns. Every audience is different. Customers belong to different demographics and passion tribes. So it’s not surprising that they require different approaches. Proper segmentation for all marketing efforts may be the answer.

  • Segmentation is named among TOP 10 challenges by MarTech users. (Automizy)
  • Marketers who use segmented campaigns note as much as a 760% increase in revenue. (Campaign Monitor)
  • Segmentation is mostly used to adjust content to recipients’ preferences. 70% of consumers say they would pay more attention to personalized products. (Infogroup)
  • Segmentation makes companies 130% more likely to research the motivations of their buyers and 60% more likely to understand their fears and challenges – which leads to exceeding companies’ lead generation and revenue goal. (Cintell)
  • 77% of the ROI generated through email marketing comes from audience segmentation, targeted, and triggered campaigns. (Higher Logic)
  • Segmented campaigns get 14.37% more opens and 64.78% more clicks. (MailChimp)

This all sounds very encouraging, but often professionals don’t know much about how to fully leverage the potential of segmentation based on demographic/behavioral data, not to mention the full profile of CDP data. The challenges vary – lack of analytical skills, lack of proficiency with the platform, or lack of time for multi-level target group analysis and so on.


Moreover, classic segmentation no longer meets the needs of the audience. What they are looking for and what they respond to best is 1:1 hyper personalization. Is it possible to achieve it in a simple way?


Go where no man has gone before and let AI identify the most relevant segments for your marketing campaigns

  • Go beyond basic demographics, with hyper segmentation that considers interests and behaviors of consumers to understand their individual preferences.
  • Leverage 1:1 personalization for real-time customization of marketing campaigns, content and customer experience.
  • Identify high-potential and high-probability-to-buy segments and accounts to target and deliver the right messages and offers at the right time to get the desired action or response.
  • Create, edit, manage and analyze all segments from one unified, user-friendly Center, and from all places in the system where contact selection takes place for example:
    • Email Marketing (individual campaigns, birthday emails etc.) 
    • Web Push Notifications, 
    • Mobile Marketing,
    • Contact Management,
    • Custom Audiences.
  • Use a unified interface that allows instant no-code data processing and leverage accessible and editable segmentation creators that save your time while granting precise targeting
  • Hyper Segmentation Center is a cutting-edge solution that allows easy, one-click creation of the most advanced segments combining all data collected in CDP, such as behavior, transactions, customer characteristics, etc.
  • Easily target the most meaningful groups of contacts for specific campaigns without composing new ones manually for every marketing action. AI-powered segmentation center will analyze customer data and deliver a list of relevant segments.

Join the segmentation revolution

  • Proactively engage all your contacts and enjoy good performing campaigns and excellent ROI with preset custom-made audiences.
  • With one click select predefined groups, like for example customers with a high risk of churn to leverage existing long-term growth strategies while still discovering the platform.
  • Save your time while getting fast track to increased ROI with simple dashboard accessible from any place where you set campaign audience
  • Mix and match segments to prepare the most relevant groups of contacts and adjust any segment at any time from any place, even outside the creator.
  • Target unconventional yet most relevant groups of customers beyond buyer personas to maximize the effect of each campaign.

What’s the difference between standard segmentation tools and Customer Segmentation Center?


SALESmanago is a Customer Engagement Platform for impact-hungry eCommerce marketing teams who want to be lean yet powerful, trusted revenue growth partners for CEOs. Our AI-driven solutions have already been adopted by 2000+ mid-size businesses in 50 countries, as well as many well-known global brands such as Starbucks, Vodafone, Lacoste, KFC, New Balance and Victoria’s Secret.

SALESmanago delivers on its promise of maximizing revenue growth and improving eCommerce KPIs by leveraging three principles: (1) Customer Intimacy to create authentic customer relationships based on Zero and First Party Data; (2) Precision Execution to provide superior Omnichannel customer experience thanks to Hyperpersonalization; and (3) Growth Intelligence merging human and AI-based guidance enabling pragmatic and faster decision making for maximum impact.

More information: www.salesmanago.com

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