Everything about Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation platform enables automation of repetitive activities thanks to the monitoring of users and their behavior on the website. Based on the collected data, comprehensive behavioral profiles are created, enabling segmentation of contacts due to any data collected about them, among shopping preferences or interests. These materials are then used to generate personalized content, such as one-to-one emails or effective targeting of marketing campaigns.

The system allows to streamline and optimize processes in many channels and areas, such as:

email marketing

personalization of e-mails enables delivering tailored content, increase of OR and CTR and elimination of sending identical messages to the entire contact database

  • you will call your customers by name, implement any details to an email such as name of the company in which the contact wokrs or a discount coupon, as well as provide product recommendations with items from the abandoned cart or recently viewed


personalized website content and the A/B/X testing engine

adjustment of displayed content to the needs and preferences of individual users in the form of banners, eCommerce recommendations, Landing Pages, Pop-ups, and other elements of the site and thus increasing the attractiveness of presented messages with the possibility to conduct tests in order to check the effectiveness of individual creations in real time

  • to each of the monitored and anonymous users, you display different content based on, for example, the products viewed on the website, check the effectiveness of individual creations and automatically adjust the proportions in which they will be displayed


machine learning & AI

technology based on artificial intelligence and machine learning, analyzing data about clients, creating perfectly selected recommendations and recommending the best communication channel

  • you will be able to predict the customers’ choices, create product recommendations containing not only items customers have already seen, but also those that they haven’t even thought of but which will appeal to them and will provide them with such recommendations in the most suitable communication channel


advertising in RTB networks

allows displaying a personalized message on virtually any website to a specific person

  • you will deliver tailored messages to people who have left the website and who do not respond to emails


mobile marketing

a marketing automation module dedicated to mobile applications, which identifies and monitors the behavior of contacts who are taking advantage of your mobile app

  • segment the database based on the types of apps that are used by the contact, provide personalized in-app messages and combine marketing activities in the area of desktop and mobile creating a full profile of the potential customer


social media

a module enabling acquiring new contacts by means of social media, monitoring social events on website, as well as posting in social media in real time and planning publications

  • you can easily handle your Social Media, schedule posts, get valuable information about contacts, and convert fans to sales leads


website marketing

a module enabling the extension of communication using Live Chat, Automatic Sales Chat, Web Push and Rich Web Push notifications, as well as creating progressive contact forms, pop-ups, landing pages, personalized banners and conducting A/B/X test

  • establish direct contact with the users of the website and send them intelligent AI recommendations using Live Chat, implement Automatic Sales Chat, which will conduct automatic conversations in Messenger and reach even an even wider audience, including anonymous and unmonitored users thanks to Web Push notifications


CRM and 360 customer view

CRM allows collecting data including behavioral and transactional data, their segmentation, as well as management of the flow of contacts in campaigns and sales funnels

  • with CRM you will segment the database in terms of any data, e.g. interests, create sales funnels, perform imports and exports, assign scoring to contacts, get access to hourly and daily statistics of contact’s activity and carry out mailing with automatic adjustment of delivery time


offline and online tracking

technology enabling monitoring contact’s activity within one website (Web Beacon) and extending the tracking of behavior of potential and current customers for interactions with the real world using geolocation technology (iBeacon)

  • you will find out where contact hovered the cursor during the visit on your website, track whether a user saw, pointed or clicked on interactive elements such as images, buttons, slide bars, etc. and use this data to generate more effective behavior profiles, lead scoring and segmentation as well as locate people inside the store and its surroundings, find out what products in the store have appealed to them and react to it by sending a discount coupon in the form of a web push notification after notifying their visit in the store and will provide information about the discounts of products that the customer viewed in the store, and as a result did not make a purchase


RFM Marketing Automation

a module providing analysis and enabling segmentation of contacts based on the purchase value, its frequency, as well as the time from the last transaction made

  • you will create Custom Audiences and precisely target advertisements on Facebook, depending on the customers’ purchasing activity, you will address a separate type of activities to Premium customers and will activate clients whose activity decreased



access to detailed analysis like: Lead Generation, Lead Routing or Campaign analytics and many more

  • you will follow the effectiveness in which contacts are being acquired as well as the work of the sales department, the course of marketing and sales campaign; you will gain access to detailed analysis of various factors


Solutions available within the Marketing Automation system:


Lead Nurturing

96% of visitors on your website are not ready to make a purchase (Marketo). Lead Nurturing allows preparing contacts to performing such action. Properly prepared Lead Nurturing program can increase the conversion rate on acquired leads by up to 50%, while reducing the cost of obtaining Lead to 30% (Forrester Research). As part of Lead Nurturing, you can send automatic “welcome emails”, as well as create so-called Drip Programs allowing to create fine-tuned cycles to reach individual customers, different cycles designed for small and medium firms and still others for corporate customers.


By using Lead Nurturing, you’ll take care of relationships not only with current customers, but also with those who are not ready to buy yet, and you will save the time of the sales department allowing them to  take care of the best prospects in the first place.


Lead scoring

Scoring are points that are assigned for specific activities and actions, such as:

  • visits on website
  • opening and clicking e-mails
  • interactions in social media
  • purchase

and many more.

The system automatically measures the engagement of individual contacts. With such data, you will identify leads closest to a purchase and focus your actions on them or you will address a campaign to your loyal customers.



Each of your clients is different. It’s good to segment the database into groups of recipients with similar characteristics, for example the same interests, in order to perform more effective actions.The segmentation takes place by assigning tags. Thanks to this solution, you can distinguish contacts that:

  • visited the URL, e.g. price list – a tag automatically assigned after a contact’s visit on a particular website will inform you about their interest in the pricing plan thereby allowing you to schedule a phone call or send an email containing detailed data and eventually the system will  draw the attention of the sales department to individual potential customers
  • made a first purchase – you will be able to react to such action by delivering a discount coupon or sending a ‘welcome’ email appreciating them
  • are inhabitants of a given city/country – in this way it is easier to match the delivered content and personalize the message even more effectively.


Lead Generation

Thanks to various forms enabling acquiring contacts, you will increase the number of leads generated. Forms that allow you to download a file or register for events, pop-ups and sidebars, landing pages generators and many more will allow you to gain contacts by means of all their interaction with the content provided by the company. In addition, progressive forms will assure you that users are asked to provide only data that is not in the system. This way, respecting their time, you will increase the chance of obtaining valuable information.


Dynamic one-to-one emails

These are emails containing different, unique content, for each of the recipients. They can be sent automatically after meeting certain conditions and they can include products viewed by the customer during the last visit, bought or matching the ones watched or bought.

SALESmanago is a Customer Engagement Platform for impact-hungry eCommerce marketing teams who want to be lean yet powerful, trusted revenue growth partners for CEOs. Our AI-driven solutions have already been adopted by 2000+ mid-size businesses in 50 countries, as well as many well-known global brands such as Starbucks, Vodafone, Lacoste, KFC, New Balance and Victoria’s Secret.

SALESmanago delivers on its promise of maximizing revenue growth and improving eCommerce KPIs by leveraging three principles: (1) Customer Intimacy to create authentic customer relationships based on Zero and First Party Data; (2) Precision Execution to provide superior Omnichannel customer experience thanks to Hyperpersonalization; and (3) Growth Intelligence merging human and AI-based guidance enabling pragmatic and faster decision making for maximum impact.

More information: www.salesmanago.com

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