Posts from category: SALESmanago

Synergy between content marketing and Marketing Automation: 6 tips

91% of B2B and 86% of B2C companies use content marketing,   84% of firms currently use or prepare for implementing Marketing Automation. Obviously these two are crucial trends in B2B as well as in B2C marketing. Nevertheless, strategic implementation of both procedures causes a lot of trouble. Content marketing specialists feel alarm for possible sacrifice […]

Grow your subscribers list organically: 11 best and proven practices

Email list is an edgy topic. We all desire the Holy Grail: trick for fast and massive increasing of its volume. Let any of you who has never tried some shortcuts here, be the first to throw a stone. But we know also that one mustn’t sacrifice list’s quality for its volume. So we need […]

100% increase in rewards for resellers in new affiliate program. Raise your income and develop your business with SALESmanago!

Up to 50% commission: that’s how much resellers earn in new, updated affiliate program of SALESmanago, the biggest marketing automation system in Europe, used by over 2000 companies in 30 countries. The software is provided by Polish company Benhauer, which from 3 years regularly increases its revenue by 100%. According to Gartner’s analysis, marketing automation is […]

Lead scoring: do you exploit its potential?

Lead scoring is a powerful tool, if you can use it. Working with it opens brand new possibilities, but demands quite a lot of work – it requires developing individual scoring system. It’s a long process, but on the way you will get to know your clients like never before. See what problems you might […]

Tell me your story!

In Judy’s flower shop there is a poster over the counter with first sentence from Virginia Woolf’s novel: „Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself”. When you enter, the text immediately catches your eye. If you can recognize the quote, you’re reminded of melancholic mood of the book and frames from Stephen Daldry’s […]

Spam: 4 myths busted

Let’s skip the obvious. You know that unsubscribe link is needed, you recognize importance of subject line, you tremble at a thought than some people actually still buy email adresses lists and use them, sending emails without recipients’ permision. Nonetheless the notion of spam makes every marketer nervous. Nothing strange about it: according to Target Marketing, […]

Lean Marketing – low-budget solution only for start-ups?

Lean Marketing is one of the newest concepts of running promotional activities in the company. It turned up quite recently, when the book ‘The Lean Start-up’ by Eric Ries was published. The author became particularly popular within start-up community. This is because of the character of their work – the urgency of immediate rollout with […]

Love the customers you hate, or how to handle negative feedback

Entrepreneurs, customer service representatives, PR and social media specialists. They all hate complaining clients and perceive them as necessary evil or natural disaster: awful but inevitable.  That’s one approach, tempting, common but far from good marketer’s mindset. He would try to get different perspective and ask: What’s positive about negative opinions about my company/ product? 

How to increase e-mail marketing effectiveness with social media

Perhaps none of the marketers like situation, when the content he or she created doesn’t result in large number of downloads, isn’t shared or doesn’t give rise to relevant discussion or in the worst scenario lands in spam. How to avoid such situations? It’s known for long now that the basis for action is providing […]

Behind the Scenes: Get to Know Our Team Better – Tomasz Lipiec
Behind the Scenes: Get to Know Our Team Better – Tomasz Lipiec

    1. Name, position, in SALESmanago since…   Tomasz Lipiec, Partner Manager, in SALESmanago since March 2021.   2. Coffee, workout, meditation – how do you start your work day and get ready for conquering the world?   I currently start the day by making a bottle of milk for my youngest daughter 🙂 […]

The perfect landing page – a step-by-step Landing Page audit
The perfect landing page – a step-by-step Landing Page audit

    Imagine that you have an amazingly effective landing page, thanks to which you dynamically generate new leads. The statistics are soaring and sales are growing at a dizzying pace. How to create a good landing page that will attract attention? The landing page is the place that the recipient reaches after clicking on […]

SALESmanago hires C-Level Exec team to drive fourfold growth across Europe and to help eCommerce marketers grow the lean way
SALESmanago hires C-Level Exec team to drive fourfold growth across Europe and to help eCommerce marketers grow the lean way

  Greg Blazewicz (CEO), Auke Grondsma (VP of Sales), Ian MacLeod (CMO), James Eastwood (CPO)   26th September, 2022, Krakow: Following a nine-digit Euro investment of Silver Tree and Perwyn, SALESmanago is strengthening its C-Level executive team to help grow the company from 20 to 100 million Euro revenues in the next four years and […]

Loyalty recession in eCommerce and how to deal with it when you are a marketer
Loyalty recession in eCommerce and how to deal with it when you are a marketer

    Inflation makes customers think twice before they decide to open their wallets. And although they are still buying, their behavior has changed. In the eCommerce sector, we observe an inflation-induced loyalty recession that puts marketers in a paradoxical situation: they must increase their effectiveness without increasing the costs of operations. There is a […]