10 ways for Whopping Conversion Rate Optimization
10 ways for Whopping Conversion Rate Optimization

    In our last marketing insight, we paid closer attention to conversion rate and its fundamental meaning for eCommerce—after all, an online shop with millions of visitors that does not sell is just a website. Today, we will show you 10 practical ways to push the conversion rate higher and higher every month.    […]

Why Conversion Rate Is the Most Important Metric in eCommerce
Why Conversion Rate Is the Most Important Metric in eCommerce

    In one of our earlier insights, we showed how the rise of the CLV-ROI approach is changing eCommerce business models. But let’s get right to the point of this marketing insight: Turning your customers into loyal fans requires you to first convert visitors into customers. This is why we understand conversion rate (CR) […]

[Tips & Tricks] How to intertwine website marketing with zero-party data
[Tips & Tricks] How to intertwine website marketing with zero-party data

    As we launched our Customer Preference Center at the beginning of this year, it opened up an entirely new world of hypersegmentation possibilities. Now, the creative utilization of many of our features will enable you to deliver a message always tailored to individual needs and tastes, and turn your CDP into the Customer […]

Smart eCommerce is shifting towards a CLV-ROI approach
Smart eCommerce is shifting towards a CLV-ROI approach

    The last touch ROAS is still dominating the attention of marketers, as a crude, but simple measurement tool.  In the new privacy-dominated eCommerce landscape, this will have to change. Metrics supporting ROAS will suffer from a lack of tracking data and very limited ways of device identification. Lack of third-party cookies will only […]