Posts from category: SALESmanago

What’s new in e-mail marketing?

Standard e-mail marketing ceased to be efficient long ago. Bursting inboxes, new filter methods, severe e-mailing rules. Proper e-mail marketing is a complex thing, where norms and assumptions are more and more brutal for an average marketer. Previously, e-mail marketing was main source of information about current events in the world. Nowadays, the lead has […]

Marketing Automation won’t do the trick if…

… if you expect that a simple fact of marketing automation alone will solve all your problems. It’s not enough to buy software license. First of all, it’s because taking advantage of Marketing Automation system is a complex process and switching to automation, without taking certain steps, may turn out waist of time and money. […]

Why passing all the leads on to sales department is a blunder

About 77% of marketing department executives acknowledge that the main reason for their Marketing Automation implementation was the willingness to increase revenue of the company. By the end of 2015 utilization of Marketing Automation systems is to increase by 50%. However, among various optimistic statistics, there is some problematic data. Huge flow of information makes […]

Automation or personalization? Marketing Automation merges both of them

A dispute has been going on between advocates of Marketing Automation and enthusiasts of ultimate personalization in sales – marketing activities. The essential question is: shall we focus on effective identification of individual clients’ needs or additional costs minimization and concentration on full automation of our marketing? The solution was developed with Marketing Automation becoming […]

SALESmanago becomes a member of Direct Marketing Association

DMA is world’s biggest independent organization dealing with development and protection of Data Driven Marketing, which is based on clients’ data analysis like consumers’ behavior, WWW visits, purchase choices, response to marketing and sales messages and geolocation. Direct Marketing Association was established in 1916 and already associates members from over 40 countries.

When your marketing doesn’t work

Do you run various marketing activities and operate in all possible channels? Do you look for innovations and more successful forms of advertising? Do you spend money on Google AdWords campaigns and cannot see significant results? Sounds familiar. Check where you make mistakes and fix it with Marketing Automation.

Marketing Automation and the last mile problem

The last mile problem is everything that happens between the moment goods/products leave the warehouse and their pick up, as well as what happens directly after supplier leaves our house. The last mile makes another context for effective leverage of Marketing Automation. Aside from product delivery itself, it goes one step further providing client with […]

Marketing Automation for lawyers?

Law firms often believe that marketing department will help them quickly and easily acquire dozens of new clients. The truth is many of them don’t follow and cope with the latest marketing technologies and solutions and they are practically absent in digital communication channels.

5 deadly sins of e-mail marketing

It’s harder and harder to cut through to potential client in the information chaos flooding us from everywhere and through all possible channels. For that reason, there’s need for stronger and more personalized relations with the receiver. One of the most successful methods to maintain proper relation with clients is e-mail marketing, which implemented accordingly, […]

What do consumers really want? 3 ways CDPs can aid Data Privacy
What do consumers really want? 3 ways CDPs can aid Data Privacy

  In 2021, privacy issues will probably dominate marketing practices and customs. Everybody expects its major influence on the data gathering, storing and usage process, and the new regulations are frequent. The eCommerce companies as well as their tech partners brace themselves to meet the consequences of this trend. But is privacy a thing the […]

[New Feature] Dynamic Web Push—finally a fully-fledged sales tool driven by CDP and AI capable of delivering 1-to-1 personalized offers across Omnichannel Workflows
[New Feature] Dynamic Web Push—finally a fully-fledged sales tool driven by CDP and AI capable of delivering 1-to-1 personalized offers across Omnichannel Workflows

  Dynamic Web Push notifications make a striking difference in marketing results. According to MoEngage, it increases engagement by up to 6.5%. It also translates into revenue in your online store. From now on, you have the ability to use the complete Dynamic Web Push Notification tool to deliver fully automated, CDP data-driven, and AI-powered […]

Death. The ultimate reason to go shopping
Death. The ultimate reason to go shopping

  We are used to the notion that the news on plane crashes, war casualties, car crash fatalities or a prospect of imminent demise tend to drive people to a more philosophical mood. They begin to reflect on the fragility of their existence and the futility of all the material aspects of their lives. This […]

[Tips & Tricks] 20 tips from top performing Marketing Automation specialists to survive in a cookieless digital world
[Tips & Tricks] 20 tips from top performing Marketing Automation specialists to survive in a cookieless digital world

  The post-cookie marketing landscape creates a plethora of marketing opportunities. To navigate it efficiently, it’s worth exploring alternatives to third-party data-driven marketing. Here are 20 tips from top experts on how to navigate this world and create ethical campaigns with the resources available.   Almost half (49%) of respondents believe that data privacy is […]