Posts from category: SALESmanago

How Marketing Automation favors sales departments

Marketing Automation systems and tools become more and more popular, not only among big businesses but also among those smaller, employing a dozen or so staff members. Particularly in a situation, when we have limited resources, the systems for Marketing Automation meet expectations of small businesses or even start-ups. Why is that?

When a business start-up needs Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation is an attractive solution, which allows to increasingly acquire new leads. After all, who wouldn’t like to have ‘magic instrument’ that automatically generates potential clients and then turns them into a real contracting party. Actually, it doesn’t require much to launch first automated project. However, there are a few factors to make it […]

How to kick off Marketing Automation? Tips for beginners

In spite of the fact that Marketing Automation booms worldwide and statistics and effectiveness rates like ROI and ROMI prove its efficiency, there’s certain volume of companies and marketing departments still not convinced to shift their activities strategies to automation. Why is that?

5 arguments for e-mail marketing automation

No doubt the success of Marketing Automation class systems in the recent years is related to the effectiveness of reaching potential clients with accurately tailor-made offer, based on personal data, activities and individual preferences. Marketing Automation is a prospective venture because it gives clients what they need – the power to choose. In marketing, automation […]

Sales conversion, part II – 10 ideas for conversion growth

In a previous entry about conversion, we detailed five proven practices, which have real influence on building communication strategies and as a result foundation for sales conversion. The role of storytelling, reviews and opinions from clients and particularly regular analysis of conversion rates was highlighted. Reading today’s entry, you’ll learn ten proven methods to increase […]

Sales conversion, part I – 5 proven practices, which influence conversion

High sales conversion rate is often regarded a signal of company success. However, in order to be able to follow its gradual growth, it’s worth to know what stands behind this boost and what activities to start with in order to efficiently and mindfully build value of the company. Below, you’ll find five elements it’s […]

5 benefits of merging Marketing Automation and CRM

Customer Relationship Management is a solution, which has revised the process of sales and customer service. While many CRM systems include certain marketing tools, none of them can substitute or provide solutions required by marketers to carry out integrated marketing campaigns. CRM is a valuable solution to follow the sales but it doesn’t provide complete […]

How to enhance marketing strategy by Marketing Automation

Marketers constantly search for new approaches to achieve better and better results of their campaigns and this way gain higher ROI ratings. Businesses have been evolving and expanding day in, day out. Accomplishing desired goals becomes real challenge for marketing departments. Fortunately, there is something that grants them coherent and efficient processes and at the […]

SALESmanago and Survicate integrated

Marketing Automation lets you know your potential customers better and adjust communication to their profile, needs or buying process stage. But apart from contact data, history of interactions and transactional data, it is recommended to feed your marketing ecosystem with information that visitors can share with you voluntarily. Such possibility has just been unlocked by […]

SALESmanago launches The first Zero-Party Data focused Customer Data Platform to help eCommerce Combat Climate Change and help with Data Privacy
SALESmanago launches The first Zero-Party Data focused Customer Data Platform to help eCommerce Combat Climate Change and help with Data Privacy

    SALESmanago, a leading end-to-end martech platform used by over 3000 mid size eCommerce businesses including New Balance, Converse or Vodafone relaunched it’s Customer Data Platform with a dedicated set of features enabling businesses to gather, manage Zero Party Data. These are data voluntarily left by the customers. They are widely known as the […]

7 ways zero-party data enable your company to reduce its carbon footprint and turn eCommerce into ECOmmerce
7 ways zero-party data enable your company to reduce its carbon footprint and turn eCommerce into ECOmmerce

    Companies’ carbon footprints have become an increasingly important issue to customers, and businesses are frantically looking for ways to reduce their size. We identified 7 ways in which zero-party data may be of help in your efforts to make your business model more sustainable—both in terms of business sustainability, and the environment. Turning […]

[New Feature] New standard of SaaS Human Interface anatomy makes navigation 60% faster and requires ⅓ fewer clicks.
[New Feature] New standard of SaaS Human Interface anatomy makes navigation 60% faster and requires ⅓ fewer clicks.

    In order to radically enhance your experience with our system, we redesigned its interface from the ground up. To start, we prepared pioneer Human Interface guidelines, inspired by the latest design trends for the most intuitive operational systems. Accurate execution of the design principles led us to elevate User Experience to the level […]

SALESmanago Announces Nine-Digit Euro Acquisition and Growth Investment by SilverTree Equity and Perwyn
SALESmanago Announces Nine-Digit Euro Acquisition and Growth Investment by SilverTree Equity and Perwyn

    SilverTree and Perwyn investment will fuel SALESmanago’s international expansion and support its trajectory in becoming the leading European SaaS marketing automation and customer data platform focused on mid-market e-commerce SALESmanago is a high growth company and added over 300 mid-market and enterprise customers (on average 50% growth per annum)  Blue chip customers include […]