Posts from category: SALESmanago

How sales department benefits from Marketing Automation implementation

According to last year report by Gertner Research, about 45% of users visiting WWW page are likely to make a purchase. If for some reason they don’t, it is estimated that within 12 months the same persons will take advantage of the competition services and about 75% of them will make a purchase directly, from […]

5 signs proving your business is ready to implement Marketing Automation

Taking advantage of Marketing Automation systems has become more and more popular. Till December 2013 alone, almost 60% of world leading companies invested in automation of their marketing and 2/3 of western firms aim to implement such system in 2015. Entrepreneurship boost, greater awareness of running own businesses and receptive market are only in favor […]

The success of start-ups and their solutions to learn from

A start-up is typically a small business or temporal organization, usually being in the development phase only and actively searching for new solutions, most of all in IT and new technologies sector. Start-up is also an idea for a business or a concept and when it’s good enough and promising it has chance to come […]

Contact base segmentation – a vital requirement for successful automation

Monitoring of persons using the Internet gives rise to intense emotions and controversy. Yet, in the case of Marketing Automation systems, monitoring and identification of persons on WWW page have positive tone. It’s the result of marketing and sales automation concept. Its foundation is sending messages desired by the recipient at the right time and […]

Why you should start taking advantage of Lead Nurturing as soon as possible

Lead Nurturing is still relatively new concept related to sales – marketing activities, whose function is to prepare potential client to make a purchase. The aim of Lead Nurturing programs is to provide potential customer with essential knowledge to carry out effective sales action. However, there’s a long way from sales talks to completing the […]

3 steps to carry out an effective A/B test

A/B tests is a research method, which consists in effectiveness verification of e-mailing, WWW page, layout clarity, newsletter template, contact form or another component which effectiveness, reception level and conversion we would like to measure. A/B tests are often called an experiment, since testing persons, often trial and error like, experiment with the form and […]

How Marketing Automation acts on Customer Lifecycle Management

Customer lifecycle management is a concept according to which it’s possible to monitor and influence customer lifecycle from the moment of acquisition till initial or consecutive sales. Marketing Automation allows for relevant communication on every stage of customer lifecycle. Thus, we build and keep relations with current and potential customers.

5 steps to optimize Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation is a multifunction system and it merges the work of marketers, salespersons and managers, enhancing the performance of a few departments. However, its improper utilization or rather unconscious and misconceived activities can negatively influence the process as a whole. Below, we list find 5 steps, which once you are aware of, will make […]

Marketers present-day problems – how Marketing Automation helps dealing with them

XXI century sees the bloom of new technologies, applications, systems and tools. Thus, it requires marketers to know them and be able to take advantage of them in their daily work. However, the selection of particular solutions becomes tricky. Marketers are not only expected to have typical knowledge of marketing but also programming or completing […]

How to determine the best time to send e-mails

When talking about effective e-mail marketing, the right timing plays a critical role. In fact, regardless of how content valuable and personalized our e-mailing is, with an inaccurate time, e-mailing we won’t accomplish our plan. The only thing we may gain is low open and click through rate.

Why Should Lean Marketing Be The Way To Go for Your eCommerce?
Why Should Lean Marketing Be The Way To Go for Your eCommerce?

    First, there was Lean Manufacturing, then Lean Management. This constituted the common understanding of the term Lean, which means achieving goals without costly waste or surpluses—of time, resources, or effort. Lean Marketing is about all that, plus it draws from the Agile project management style. Lean Marketing is also much easier to do […]

10 ways for Whopping Conversion Rate Optimization
10 ways for Whopping Conversion Rate Optimization

    In our last marketing insight, we paid closer attention to conversion rate and its fundamental meaning for eCommerce—after all, an online shop with millions of visitors that does not sell is just a website. Today, we will show you 10 practical ways to push the conversion rate higher and higher every month.    […]

Why Conversion Rate Is the Most Important Metric in eCommerce
Why Conversion Rate Is the Most Important Metric in eCommerce

    In one of our earlier insights, we showed how the rise of the CLV-ROI approach is changing eCommerce business models. But let’s get right to the point of this marketing insight: Turning your customers into loyal fans requires you to first convert visitors into customers. This is why we understand conversion rate (CR) […]

Smart eCommerce is shifting towards a CLV-ROI approach
Smart eCommerce is shifting towards a CLV-ROI approach

    The last touch ROAS is still dominating the attention of marketers, as a crude, but simple measurement tool.  In the new privacy-dominated eCommerce landscape, this will have to change. Metrics supporting ROAS will suffer from a lack of tracking data and very limited ways of device identification. Lack of third-party cookies will only […]