Posts from category: Recommended

How to Increase Traffic to Your Website? Free Tools and 14 Tricks

Do you feel like Winnie the Pooh sometimes? The more you look inside (Analytics) the more Piglet (your audience) isn’t there. You stare at the sad, flat graph and think: „How will potential customers find my business? How to show them my brand? How to let them know that I exist and wait for them? […]

AI + IoT = Extreme Marketing

What do Artificial Intelligence, Marketing, and IoT have in common?  A lot! In fact, these technologies promise to bring communication between companies and customers, both in B2B and B2C models, to a new level,  which we could even call “extreme”. Innovations such as the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence are in fact to make […]

The Ultimate Guide to Web Push Notifications

Web Push notifications are a new, convenient, and fast way to communicate with users. They don’t require tiresome forms to be filled in. Instead, they are sent straight to the users’ devices and displayed in real time, resulting in 30 times more clicks than an average email. Together with our sales and support teams, I […]

A Pop-up that Converts: a Free Checklist

Conversion is a transaction when you look at it. First, you have to grab website visitors’ attention, then tell them your offer, name the price, and finally push them gently towards the ‘purchase’. Even though multiple tools could work well this scenario, pop-ups are still one of the most effective. I don’t want to bore […]

7 Lead Nurturing Hacks For Your Shopping Cart Abandonment

No abandoned shopping carts is the dream of any online shop. But recovering abandoned carts is much more than just sending a few emails. You’ll get better results when you run more than just one or two cart recovery campaigns. You need to put the extra effort in! Today I will show you 7 different […]

Marketing Automation in Ecommerce for Beginners [Free Ebook]

Do you remember the first essay you ever wrote? Do you remember how long it took you to get started? Some of us – the lucky ones, had had a teacher who explained the methodology of writing. The rest kept dreaming of a handbook that would guide them, step by step, through the whole process… […]

How to Combine Marketing Automation Features… and Start Making Money

The strength of the successful marketing campaigns often lays in their simplicity. We – marketers surrounded by marketing novelties and spammed with their creators’ ideology – tend to forget that sometimes the easiest way is the best way.   We also forget another important truth – simple doesn’t mean plain or vulgar. Simple tool, such […]

The Magic Behind the High Deliverability of our Customers’ emails

Open rate and click-through rate are the most common performance indicators for email campaigns. This makes sense, to an extent, as long as you understand the data in context. For email campaigns, this context is deliverability. Deliverability is made up of a number of factors characteristic to the logic of electronic mailing – from the […]

12 Marketing Tips From Great Houses Of Westeros

The Winter is Here and The Game of Thrones Season 7 is coming. For the last time, we will cry for dead favorites, and cheer those who survive. Personally, I’m delighted with the idea of great and noble houses of Westeros heptarchy. Each of them has separate fashion, style, religion, lifestyle and, of course, words. […]

[New Feature] Shine the light on your hidden visitors with Spotlight
[New Feature] Shine the light on your hidden visitors with Spotlight

    The data noise can keep you in the dark – that’s why Spotlight shines the light on the hidden visitors and helps convert them into loyal Customers. Understand your anonymous shoppers and tailor personalized website campaigns based on their behavior.   With approximately 85% of website visitors remaining anonymous, it’s crucial to understand […]

[New Feature] Unlock Deep Behavioral Personalization with Product Collections
[New Feature] Unlock Deep Behavioral Personalization with Product Collections

    Explore the capabilities of Product Collections and harness the potential of deep behavioral personalization. Learn about individual customer-product relationships, shape personalized campaigns, foster customer loyalty, and redefine your marketing playbook.   In a market saturated with a multiverse of data, Product Collections emerges as a comprehensive bridge between eCommerce platforms and SALESmanago. It […]

The Essential Role of Product Catalogs in Marketing Evolution
The Essential Role of Product Catalogs in Marketing Evolution

    In the dynamic realm of digital marketing, Product Catalogs act as the vital link between your eCommerce platform and SALESmanago. They aren’t just useful but essential for maximizing your marketing potential.    You might be wondering, ‘I’ve already integrated XML Product Feeds, why consider another integration to Product Catalogs?’ While XML Product Feeds […]

Getting in Bed with AI? Remember, Safety First!
Getting in Bed with AI? Remember, Safety First!

    In the dance between technology and commerce, eCommerce companies find themselves at a crossroads as they consider cuddling up with the tempting world of generative AI. A recent Gartner report, titled “4 Ways Generative AI Will Impact CISOs and Their Teams,” provides a backstage pass to the glitzy show that is the future […]