What is good, justice, beauty or… brand image. Since time immemorial, abstract notions have always been in the centre of philosophers’ attention. To better understand these concepts, John Locke decided to focus on the very basics. Imagine yourself entering a bar you have never been to. You take a look around. Then you […]
Black Friday is coming soon, so we have a webinar for you that will help you better prepare your campaigns for this special day for online stores. During the presentation Aleksander Skałka will present 5 interesting information on marketing campaigns and transactional data from last Black Friday, which will help you prepare better […]
Website Automation enables you to contextualise the real-time delivery of fully automated and personalized content, such as pop-up, exit pop-up, web push, live chat, to website visitors. The display time and content are adjusted in a 1-to-1 model for both SALESmango clients and anonymous users depending on their behaviour on the website. Website […]
Saint Augustine lived in the times of chaos brought about by the collapse of the Roman Empire. However, his purely religious observations will hit the spot in the times of market chaos, when shopping malls have become the temples of modernity. Saint Augustine saw the Bible as the most important book ever written. […]
“Saturday Night is the new Monday Morning” claimed The Wall Street Journal in July 2019 and it seems that intensive online buying that starts each Sunday evening and then reaches its peak the moment we start work on Monday is the way part of the people is dealing with Monday Stress Syndrome or simply speaking […]
YES is definitely one of the most popular Polish jewellery companies. Nearly 40 years of presence on the market have allowed it to build a large group of loyal customers, who can find products in 150 stores throughout the country, as well as in an online store. Thanks to automated campaigns carried out using SALESmanago, […]
Even though it is thousands of years since the times of Athenian democracy and the art of persuasion has developed many new tools, its fundamentals still nicely fit within the framework described by Aristotle – one of the two most prominent philosophers of ancient times. Aristotle saw rhetoric as a tool for convincing […]
We’ve analyzed the data of hundreds of e-commerces that use SALESmanago to better understand consumer transactional behaviour and provide useful analysis that will help to better design the customer journey. During the next webinar we’ll show a brand new report based on 1 billion website visits and over $ 100 million of revenues […]
They lived in barrels, gained notoriety for their scandalous conduct while being proud of living on the margins of society. We perceive the ancient Cynics as the early forefathers of today’s anarchists, yet on closer inspection some of their propositions would be of much use in contemporary business. 1. Challenge all rules […]
Ecommerce Day in Milan is the most important event for Ecommerce sector in Italy. The conference is dedicated for everyone who is interested in Ecommerce, Omnichannel, New Retail, Fashion and Luxury. Why visit our stand at Ecommerce Day? Discover the world’s most advanced marketing technology powered by AI & Machine Learning See […]