Posts from category: SALESmanago

What’s Up SALESmanago: October 2017

Today, I’d like to make a quick summary of changes in the system introduced in October. Some of them are small things like refreshing a dashboard view, some are game-changing like adding a completely new set of conditions to a workflow builder. Here’s what happened in SALESmanago last month.   Workflow Workflow Wizard is a […]

Workflow for Dummies [Illustrated Handbook]

There are many kinds of people in this world – we apply a different approach to understanding our surroundings, our learning methods differ, and also we process the information in multiple ways. That’s why you need to find out what works best for you. Automation processes are nothing more than a string of consecutive logical events, activated […]

September Recap: Inspiring Meetings, New Features and Upgrades, Exotic Conquest

SALESmanago’s   September was sponsored by inspiring meetings and exotic conquests. Moreover, our platform got a few upgrades and new features. Here are some highlights of the September in SALESmanago. Events Marketing MeetUp September 13th was the day of the Marketing MeetUp! Our MeetUps are the series of hosted by SALESmanago events organized for people who want […]

Are Bots the New Apps? – SALESmanago Launches Sales Bot for Facebook

Since Facebook’s developer conference F8 in April, bots are getting their time in the spotlight. They help to navigate the websites by being “interactive guides.” You’ll be hearing a lot more about chatbots soon, so let me introduce you to them with a brief overview.   Amazing shopping experience. Download free ebook   So, what […]

SALESmanago launches the one and only Live Chat dedicated especially for eCommerce & Online Stores

SALESmanago Marketing Automation presents a module that integrates Live Chat with Marketing Automation processes directly. By using complete behavioral and transactional profiles, users can send ready-made personalized product recommendations during the conversation with one click. It’s one of the first solutions of this kind in the world.   Live Chats have become extremely popular in […]

Ticketea, VUAB, Constructora Capital Bogota and Many Other Join SALESmanago as Customers

More and more companies worldwide choose SALESmanago as a marketing automation platform. Our customer base has reached 10,000. Last month we welcomed among them such brands as  Spanish Ticketea (a service for event searching and ticket purchase), Swedish VUAB and Japanese SPA Ai Welleness IzuKogen. Among the Polish brands who joined us, there are Tarmax, […]

12 Ideas for Omnichannel Marketing [ebook]

Omnichannel, multichannel, cross-channel… The most often used – and overused – terms of the last few years. We juggle with more and more concepts, but do we get real, applicable tools? The reason behind it is the lack of resources and tools. As SALESmanago research indicated, 86% of marketers see the importance of mobile channel, […]

Black Winter is Coming. How we are avoiding the F Word
Black Winter is Coming.  How we are avoiding the F Word

    Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round, and let’s talk about the season that’s about to descend upon us – the notorious “F-word.” No, not that F-word; we’re talking about the one that rhymes with “Smack Shmriday” – you know, the day when shoppers sharpen their elbows and prepare for retail combat. But this year, […]

The Super Collision of Data, Composability, and AI in Marketing. A sneak peek into Disruptive Innovation with Scott Brinker*
The Super Collision of Data, Composability, and AI in Marketing. A sneak peek into Disruptive Innovation with Scott Brinker*

    scroll down for the video recording   In a world marked by relentless technological evolution, marketers are navigating a landscape of significant change. The confluence of data, composability, and artificial intelligence (AI) is driving a transformative era in marketing, opening up new horizons and opportunities. This article is a summary of Scott Brinker’s […]

Product News October 2023: Predictive Analytics, Collaboration Tools for Workflows, Personal Shopping Inbox and more
Product News October 2023: Predictive Analytics, Collaboration Tools for Workflows, Personal Shopping Inbox and more

    Predictive analytics in SALESmanago and how to leverage it in campaigns and customer segmentation     Predictive analytics leverages historical data, statistical algorithms, and AI technology to forecast future events and outcomes, giving businesses a crystal ball for success. From creating personalized shopping experiences based on past behavior to optimizing inventory management and […]

Skeletons in the eCommerce closet. Which one is your worst nightmare?
Skeletons in the eCommerce closet. Which one is your worst nightmare?

    As Halloween draws near, the urgency to unveil and exorcise the lurking skeletons from eCommerce closets becomes increasingly palpable. Just as the haunted season prompts us to confront our fears, the digital landscape compels businesses to confront the formidable challenges that often remain concealed. In this exploration, we’ve identified the most terrifying specters […]

Peek into the Future: SALESmanago Predictive Analytics
Peek into the Future: SALESmanago Predictive Analytics

    In the ever-evolving landscape of eCommerce, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance their competitive edge. One of them has emerged as a game-changer. The role of predictive analytics in eCommerce is multi-faceted and critical for the industry’s growth and success.   A Crystal Ball for Marketers?   Predictive analytics is a […]

Composability has always been a trend in eCommerce, but all-in-one no-code solutions and Generative AI make it a blast
Composability has always been a trend in eCommerce, but all-in-one no-code solutions and Generative AI make it a blast

    The ability to swiftly adapt, customize, and orchestrate marketing efforts has always been a trend, but recent advancements have made it a true blast. This article will explore what composability means in the context of eCommerce, its relation to Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) and marketing automation, and how the concept of an end-to-end […]

[WEBINAR RECORDING] “Get Your eCommerce Ready for 2024: Lessons Learned in 2023, Essential Trends, and Tech Innovations for Online Stores”
[WEBINAR RECORDING] “Get Your eCommerce Ready for 2024: Lessons Learned in 2023, Essential Trends, and Tech Innovations for Online Stores”

    The recording of our latest webinar, hosted by SALESmanago’s Director of Solutions Consulting, Alexander Skalka is available.     Grab a coffee, get comfy and learn:    – Tactics implemented by top performing eCommerce companies in 2023. – Top eCommerce trends for 2023/2024: Artificial intelligence, data privacy, zero page data and more. – New […]

From Value Creation to Value Expansion in eCommerce: Leveraging CDP and Marketing Automation for Meaningful Engagements
From Value Creation to Value Expansion in eCommerce: Leveraging CDP and Marketing Automation for Meaningful Engagements

    In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, the journey from acquiring customers to retaining them is a challenging one. While value creation is essential, the real key to sustained growth lies in value expansion. This article explores the pivotal shift from creating value to expanding it through effective customer engagement strategies.  We will also […]