Posts from category: SALESmanago

5 steps to optimize conversion rate with Marketing Automation

Marketing campaigns implemented with the assistance of Marketing Automation systems reach higher conversion rate by over 200%, than those pursued in traditional way. Looking into Marketing Automation and everything it provides, we can conclude that it comes down to gaining highest conversion rate, which results in sales and real revenue. How does it happen we […]

Understand Marketing Automation – tips for beginners

Once we begin to work with Marketing Automation, we face the myriad of brand new marketing and sales market openings. Marketing Automation offers much more than what was possible in marketing until recently. That’s why, at an early stage of work with the system, it’s essential to understand a few fundamentals, which will make your […]

ROI with Marketing Automation reaches 30% – why 50% of companies are not convinced it was worth to try it?

It doesn’t happen too often that a new implementation or investment of the business brings 30% in return and still doesn’t seem remarkable and cost-effective. RazorSocial, in cooperation with VentureBeat carried out an interesting research in the field of Marketing Automation. It turned out that statistics mentioned above concern marketing and sales automation systems. Why, […]

SALESmanago Marketing Automation hits 1000 customers and adds new breakthrough products

SALESmanago, a Poland based cloud based marketing automation platform reported 300% revenue growth in first quarter 2014 and with over 1000 customers in 10 countries SALESmanago is the fastest growing European marketing automation. SALESmanago is also introducing new products in the area of anonymous marketing automation and next gen customer behavioral tracking based on nonSQL […]

How to convince CEO to invest in Marketing Automation – 5 arguments

Looking into Marketing Automation system, one realizes the myriad of new prospects and means to effectively reach potential and current clients. Marketing Automation market grows at a very high rate and more and more companies start taking advantage of marketing and sales automation. However, before they begin, the question arises: is it worth investing in […]

How to identify your clients needs online – three ideas.

Every day, browsing through WWW analytics, CRM data or market research we seek to learn what our do our clients really want? Though, clients tell or want to tell us what they need. The company often lacks an idea or a tool to hear them out. So how to understand the needs of current and […]

The power of human factor in marketing automation successful implementation.

This short piece of lyrics is from memorable band, The Queen, and it’s their less famous tune, “Machines or ‘Back to Humans’”. Whereas last decades see constant introduction of automation processes into almost every sphere of human being life, the machines haven’t yet taken over completely and there’s still place for rock and roll!

SALESmanago integrated with Magento Platform – get to know the possibilities which gives you the integration

SALESmanago has been integrated with a popular e-commerce platform Magento available under an open source licence. Thanks to a special plug, over 200 000 users of Magento can easily integrate their stores with the Marketing Automation system. Magento is a modern e-Commerce platform available in the open source model. Practically an unlimited access to the source […]

4 qualities of a great Lead Nurturing Program

The effectiveness of Lead Nurturing programs is directly dependent on building a relationship between the sender and the addressee. This basic principle applies to virtually every kind of communication. It can be assumed that Lead Nurturing is well-prepared when the relation and emotions are accordant to an individual recipient. It means we need to build […]

6 innovative eCommerce businesses to learn from in 2021
6 innovative eCommerce businesses to learn from in 2021

    With technology advancing, AI becoming more and more popular and incorporated into most businesses, and recent COVID-19 events resulting in life moving to the online zone, companies really need to do everything they can to stay relevant. Get inspired by a couple of new and very innovative eCommerce businesses.   Customers want to […]

The Top 5 Biggest Myths about CDPs that Cost Businesses Millions of Dollars
The Top 5 Biggest Myths about CDPs that Cost Businesses Millions of Dollars

    “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks when decades happen” said Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and look what happened to eCommerce in the last 12 “COVID” months. According to McKinsey research 76% of consumers permanently changed their buying behaviors during the pandemic.    e-Commerce is now C-Commerce, a Collaborative, Consumer oriented […]

SALESmanago vs Competiton
SALESmanago vs Competiton

    For the past several years, we have been recognized with G2 Crowd awards as leaders in the Marketing Automation and Customer Data Platform categories. It is these accolades that drive us to act and go above and beyond our competitors. We are grateful to them for motivating us and making us want to […]

mCommerce will turn your marketing into dollars if used wisely
mCommerce will turn your marketing into dollars if used wisely

    According to Statista, by the end of 2021, 73% of eCommerce sales will take place on a mobile device. This is a huge boost for eCommerce retailers to put more effort into improving the mobile shopping experience. While (even with the ongoing pandemic) eCommerce is still on a roll, it’s worth diving deeper […]

SALESmanago establishes technology partnership with Google
SALESmanago establishes technology partnership with Google

    SALESmanago, one of the largest Customer Data and Marketing Automation platforms in Europe, has entered into a partnership with Google. The first initiative is the release of Cinderella AI – a search and recommendation tool for e-commerce that is based on SALESmanago and Google AI visual search engine solutions.   Cinderella AI is […]

5 songs you should be listening to during customer acquisition
5 songs you should be listening to during customer acquisition

    Acquiring a customer is not an easy task. Convincing them to buy your product is a long, long journey consisting of several steps that need to be completed at the top-notch level to reach the longed-for success. To make your work a little more pleasurable, we have prepared an appropriate song, one for […]