6 lessons from the most promising start-ups
6 lessons from the most promising start-ups

Small, dynamic companies develop radically different organization culture than big enterprises, often locked up in their stiff procedures and forgetting that „Because we always do it that way” is a very, very bad answer. Obviously, big company cannot allow itself for operating in start-up style, but still it should draw inspirations from beginners and come […]

7 Ways to Boost Newsletter Readership
7 Ways to Boost Newsletter Readership

Right keywords in the subject line? Hacking algorithms? Pure magic? Nope. The truth is brutally simple: people read your newsletter because it’s valuable. If you build their trust in your content, they will read it. Today recipients’ responses constitute a base for any spam filters. So what to do to encourage them to read your […]

Overcome creative block with these 20 inspiring marketing quotes
Overcome creative block with these 20 inspiring marketing quotes

If you run out of steam, feel stuck without any new idea, and need fresh inspiration to get you back on the right (creative) track, resort to the wisdom of old (or not so old) masters – recognized experts in the field. Their energy encapsulated in a form of short aphorisms will provoke you to […]

4 Reason why Your Marketing Agency should offer Marketing Automation
4 Reason why Your Marketing Agency should offer Marketing Automation

Today more than 160 marketing and interactive agencies offer Marketing Automation, including many recognized companies such as Emred, Marco, Datatekin, GB Interactive and Yaapas. Why? The reason lies in high competition on marketing services market and increasing customers’ expectations, which put agencies in difficult position. They are forced to spend most of their time and […]

7 Steps to Engaging buyer’s Journey
7 Steps to Engaging buyer’s Journey

Prepare for a journey your customer will make! If you won’t plan it, user will consider your website chaotic and irrelevant. Although he goes through 80% of the decision-making process on his own, you still are responsible for delivering him pleasant, convenient and intuitive experience. Planning buyer’s journey might turn into a journey for yourself […]

30 Must-Have Apps for Marketers: knowledge, creation, social media
30 Must-Have Apps for Marketers: knowledge, creation, social media

  If you are so close to your smartphone that you even sleep together, just as 44% of adults do, we found for you the best apps that will help you work more efficiently and conveniently. Most of them are free. We focused on 8 areas: contact management, knowledge acquiring, documents, creation, micro-content, productivity, social […]

13 world’s youngest businessmen (and what you can learn from them)
13 world’s youngest businessmen (and what you can learn from them)

You should’ve started your business in primary school. 9-year-old businesspeople conquer the world! Standard young age for entering the game – 21 (Jobs, Gates) or 23 (Zuckerberg)  – becomes today a time for retirement planning and careless spending of billions of dollars earned before. What is the key to kids’ success? Youthful enthusiasm? Lack of […]

Use these 6 magic Words to Create Brilliant Welcome Message
Use these 6 magic Words to Create Brilliant Welcome Message

Welcome message is a specific subtype of transactional message, sent in response to user giving you his email address (by registration, subscription, filling in the form). It aims at starting the relationship on the right foot and reduce possible future opt-outs. Because you can’t make a first impression twice, design the message carefully. What to include […]

How to Stop Wasting Leads Using Recycling
How to Stop Wasting Leads Using Recycling

Do you know the type? “Please call me in 6 months”; “I’m physically unable to say no or interrupt, so I’m going to just listen, although I should have told 10 minutes ago that I won’t buy this”; “That spam again! I won’t read that”; “I’d love to, but…”; “I gave false phone number in […]