According to the latest eMarketer’s report, the development of AI and payment technologies are the most important trends of 2020. The third place was taken by video streaming technology.
Technology helps marketers to achieve many goals. They can use it to reduce costs, engage their customers in new ways, predict campaign results and improve efficiency. The latest eMarketer report provides an overview of trends in the latest technology and why they are relevant to marketers.
AI and new payment technologies are the most important trends this year
According to eMarketer research, in 2020, the most important developing technologies will be AI development (36% consider it very important) and payment technology development (35%), followed by live video/live streaming (31%).
High, although below the expected result, was also the Internet of Things (26% of respondents considered this technology very important, 47% considered it important).
The least important technologies are “wearables”, i.e. technologies we can “wear”, such as smart watches, as well as face recognition technology, which 54% of respondents consider to be insignificant.
AI & machine learning in SALESmanago
AI is widely used in marketing automation systems such as SALESmanago, which has been investing in its own modern AI – Copernicus system for years. It manages, among others, customer segmentation, omnichannel communication and product recommendations.
If you want to find out how SALESmanago will change in 2020, please take a look at our road map.
If you want to read the entire eMarketer report, click here.