Posts from category: Recommended

5 Good Reasons to Make a Pop-up Right Now

Love ’em or hate ’em. There’s nothing in between. Pop-ups play users’ emotions like Jerry Lee Levis used to play his piano. And believe me, once you’ll learn this game, there will be The Great Balls of Fire… I mean of engagement. The Great Balls of Engagement. Oh, nevermind! Long story, short – master the […]

Ecommerce with Marketing Automation – Lesson 3: Extend Communication

Communication is the essential part of customer/brand relation building. Both information and feedback are vital parts of this bond. Even though we live in a digital era, we are still obliged to treat the customers as individuals rather than the nameless and faceless mass on the other side of the screen. In Lesson 1 I […]

SALESmanago + Shopware = BFFs [Integration Tutorial]

SALESmanago, #3 Marketing Automation system in GetApp’s quarterly ranking. Shopware – a leading German Ecommerce platform designed for B2B and B2C businesses. The merge of those two platforms resulted in the creation of the perfect tool to generate and manage leads and to boost sales and marketing department actions to the whole new level. Shopware […]

How to Make a Sales Funnel That Actually Works – not Only for B2B [Part 1]

Today is the day! You’re finally ready to launch the promo campaign for your newest product. What’s your first step? Isn’t it obvious? You build a website providing visitors with product information, features list, its perks, price and distribution points. Right? Nope! It’s a common yet quite expensive mistake. Website building should be your third, […]

5 Types of Apps to Kickstart the Earnings in Ecommerce

Mobile apps complete marketing strategies. They can have numerous purposes – increase sales, build company’s image, build customer loyalty, and so on. By a simple act of launching an app you gain a brand new channel of communication with your customers and, if you use CRM for mobile applications, access to a whole new set […]

Ecommerce with Marketing Automation – Lesson 2: Building Revenue

The Academy of Marketing Automation reopens. In the previous lesson, I showed you how to build the foundations of a functioning and profitable online store with a functional set of essential tools. I elaborated on how to make use of a CRM and behavioral profiling and why they are important, develop a database, and outlined […]

Social Media Guide for Ecommerce [Free Ebook]

¾ of Facebook users and ½ of Instagram users use those services on a daily basis. More than 50 million companies use Facebook Business Pages, and as much as 2 million use them for advertising. Wouldn’t it be a shame if no one used its marketing potential?   To profit from having social media profiles […]

Effective Lead Nurturing – Free Checklist

The main goal of the educational cycle, called Lead Nurturing is to prepare potential customers to make a purchase. Not every person who appears on the website is ready to immediately put their data on the table and finalize a transaction. Very often, people visit your digital realm while researching the best solutions. A series […]

TOP 10 Articles on Digital Marketing: Q1 2017

It’s been a while since I’ve made a recap of top articles on digital marketing and marketing automation. To make up for this gap, I’ve picked TOP 10 articles from Q1 2017.   Digital Advertising: Will This Investment Pay Off?  Knowing that by 2021, advertisers will spend up to 50 percent of their marketing budgets […]

How Spal Ferrara Re-Engaged Fans and Grew Leads by 29.82%
How Spal Ferrara Re-Engaged Fans and Grew Leads by 29.82%

    By leveraging Salesmanago’s tools, Spal Ferrara saw remarkable enhancement in lead generation, contact base management, revenue stimulation and content deliverability,  resulting in increased user loyalty and engagement.   SPAL is a professional football club based in Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italy. The team currently plays in Serie C, the third tier of the Italian football […]

Marketers lose the right to choose their tools. Do you have to let it go?
Marketers lose the right to choose their tools. Do you have to let it go?

    by Aleksander Skałka, Director of Solutions Consulting & Sales Enablement   Observing trends among the greatest eCommerce players, marketers from small and medium companies must wonder, how did this happen, that their daily challenges differ so much from the problems that bother the biggest industry’s players? Latest observation: marketers lose the influence to […]

Reimagining Doorways to Success: PORTA’s Story
Reimagining Doorways to Success: PORTA’s Story

    Unattainable results? Not in our book. The synergy between PORTA KMI POLAND and SALESmanago is a living testament to that.   PORTA has been opening doors across Europe for three decades, not just literally, but also via innovation and design. PORTA’s path as a leading Polish brand in door manufacture and distribution reflects […]

5 [turbo] effective segmentations for even small eCommerce
5 [turbo] effective segmentations for even small eCommerce

    Segmentation is a basis for any coherent and structured marketing activity and we’ve been in the loop about it for ages. The problem is that in 2024 traditional segmentation is not accurate enough to allow you to provide precious customers with the experience personalized on the level they are accustomed to. But hey, there’s a […]

Time to Clean the House. Why there is no progress without data hygiene and how CDP can help bring a Christmas Glow to Your Data Strategy
Time to Clean the House. Why there is no progress without data hygiene and how CDP can help bring a Christmas Glow to Your Data Strategy

    by Aleksander Skałka, Director of Solutions Consulting & Sales Enablement   The holiday season is upon us, and it’s time for eCommerce companies to ensure their data house is sparkling clean. In this article, we’ll explore the critical importance of data hygiene for eCommerce success and delve into how Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) […]

Unpacking SALESmanago’s Black Friday Aftermath
Unpacking SALESmanago’s Black Friday Aftermath

    This year’s Black Friday wasn’t just another sales event; it was a groundbreaking phenomenon among SALESmanago’s customers, as revealed in our latest report. The key takeaway? A record-breaking performance in both marketing communications and transactions.   2023’s Black Friday saw a strategic shift with marketing communications kicking off much earlier than usual. Campaigns […]

The Magic of Countdown
The Magic of Countdown

    by Sergiusz Olszewski, Product Operations Manager   As we approach the holiday season, the concept of the advent calendar—a special calendar used to count down the days to Christmas—becomes a staple in many households. But what if we could harness this same sense of anticipation and excitement in our email marketing? Enter the […]