Posts from category: Marketing Automation

3 steps to carry out an effective A/B test

A/B tests is a research method, which consists in effectiveness verification of e-mailing, WWW page, layout clarity, newsletter template, contact form or another component which effectiveness, reception level and conversion we would like to measure. A/B tests are often called an experiment, since testing persons, often trial and error like, experiment with the form and […]

How Marketing Automation acts on Customer Lifecycle Management

Customer lifecycle management is a concept according to which it’s possible to monitor and influence customer lifecycle from the moment of acquisition till initial or consecutive sales. Marketing Automation allows for relevant communication on every stage of customer lifecycle. Thus, we build and keep relations with current and potential customers.

5 steps to optimize Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation is a multifunction system and it merges the work of marketers, salespersons and managers, enhancing the performance of a few departments. However, its improper utilization or rather unconscious and misconceived activities can negatively influence the process as a whole. Below, we list find 5 steps, which once you are aware of, will make […]

Marketers present-day problems – how Marketing Automation helps dealing with them

XXI century sees the bloom of new technologies, applications, systems and tools. Thus, it requires marketers to know them and be able to take advantage of them in their daily work. However, the selection of particular solutions becomes tricky. Marketers are not only expected to have typical knowledge of marketing but also programming or completing […]

How to determine the best time to send e-mails

When talking about effective e-mail marketing, the right timing plays a critical role. In fact, regardless of how content valuable and personalized our e-mailing is, with an inaccurate time, e-mailing we won’t accomplish our plan. The only thing we may gain is low open and click through rate.

How Marketing Automation favors sales departments

Marketing Automation systems and tools become more and more popular, not only among big businesses but also among those smaller, employing a dozen or so staff members. Particularly in a situation, when we have limited resources, the systems for Marketing Automation meet expectations of small businesses or even start-ups. Why is that?

When a business start-up needs Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation is an attractive solution, which allows to increasingly acquire new leads. After all, who wouldn’t like to have ‘magic instrument’ that automatically generates potential clients and then turns them into a real contracting party. Actually, it doesn’t require much to launch first automated project. However, there are a few factors to make it […]

How to kick off Marketing Automation? Tips for beginners

In spite of the fact that Marketing Automation booms worldwide and statistics and effectiveness rates like ROI and ROMI prove its efficiency, there’s certain volume of companies and marketing departments still not convinced to shift their activities strategies to automation. Why is that?

5 arguments for e-mail marketing automation

No doubt the success of Marketing Automation class systems in the recent years is related to the effectiveness of reaching potential clients with accurately tailor-made offer, based on personal data, activities and individual preferences. Marketing Automation is a prospective venture because it gives clients what they need – the power to choose. In marketing, automation […]

How to Integrate CallPage with SALESmanago – Step by Step
How to Integrate CallPage with SALESmanago – Step by Step

SALESmanago is one of the world’s most popular Marketing Automation platforms. From now on, SALESmanago users can easily integrate CallPage with their stores to win new contacts from their potential customers. How CallPage works CallPage is a website plug designed to analyze user’s behavior in the real-time. According to their behavior, the system evaluates whether […]

Digital Marketers’ Pocket Dictionary
Digital Marketers’ Pocket Dictionary

Marketing way of speaking reminds of corporate slang. Deadlines followed by “ASAPs” are going before and after KPI’s, not letting you eat you lunch because then, fuck-ups are all you’ll get. It’s not a Win-Win situation. You need to boost the number of likes and leads. Later, you’ll need to champion that project remember? It certainly has to be outside the box. […]

Turn visitors into loyal customers
Turn visitors into loyal customers

Basic Information about Lead Nurturing Problem with acquired leads Marketers very often face the problem of lead immaturity: they invest time and money in acquiring leads which turn out not to be sales ready, because they simply don’t have enough data about the product and the company to make a purchase decision. Combine such early stage lead with too […]

TOP 15 Posts On Digital Marketing & New Technologies (October 2016)
TOP 15 Posts On Digital Marketing & New Technologies (October 2016)

The period of gray autumn and winter days has come: short days, long nights, which means fewer distractions and more time for the development of professional skills. Let’s use this time well and enjoy the afternoon filled with reading interesting marketing- and tech-related articles.       Download our newest ebook: All about CVM   1. […]

Web Push: Can You Afford Ignoring Anonymous Contacts?
Web Push: Can You Afford Ignoring Anonymous Contacts?

Wait, what? How? Anonymous contacts are named anonymous because they’re… well, anonymous! It’s not a matter of choice! What if I told you, that lead generation isn’t only about landing pages, contact forms, and Facebook Ads? But let’s start from the beginning… According to internet live stats at this very moment, there are 3,5 bln web […]

Social Media Guide for eCommerce
Social Media Guide for eCommerce

From teenagers’ hype to an overwhelming background of everyday reality – that’s how Social Media has evolved recently. Nowadays it’s hard to find a spot on the web with no social media plug-ins or buttons such as: ‘Like’, ‘Share’, or even ‘“Log in with your account’…     Social media it’s not another search engine Both social platforms and […]

Mobile Marketing Automation and the future of mobile
Mobile Marketing Automation and the future of mobile

How smartphones transformed our lives     Connected body Internet as a main source of knowledge Smartphones are the true personal computers. Think that they have the same power as NASA computers which helped put man on the moon in 1969. That potential is now at our fingertips. No wonder that they changed our learning mindset. We […]