Posts from category: Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation Congress rescheduled for 26th April 2017

Cracow’s beauty shines the most in the Spring. Therefore we’ve decided to set a new date for the 2017’s most prestigious marketing event! Marketing Automation Congress is officially rescheduled for 26th April 2017. Our goal is to deliver the latest insights into marketing trends, present the newest tools, and show how to bring them all […]

Digital Marketer’s Pocket Glossary – Terms You Need to Know, Now! – part 2

Last week we shared with you the first part of digital marketer’s glossary. Today we give you part 2! In-app notifications – Messages communicated inside the application, not by SMS or push notifications. It means that to read them, user needs to open an app. Lead Management – B2B term meaning contact managing system, set […]

Supercharging Marketing Automation With Content Marketing [Guest Post]

Marketing automation provides the opportunity to target prospects more accurately in less time. However, without the right content, marketing automation quickly turns into spam, cold calls, and junk mail, targeting the same people over and over with the same unwelcome message. Marketing automation needs content marketing to deliver the right content, to the right person, […]

SALESmanago Product Profile – Meet the New Possibilities

Alan Turing, Ada Lovelace, Nicola Tesla. It’s only three of the thousands of names responsible for a modern digital revolution. A lot has changed since the first steps leading to the creation of a thinking machine. Computers that used to send space crews to the Earth’s orbit, now fit into a pocket, the Internet is […]

4 Solid Strategies We’ve Used to Boost Traffic by 474% [Guest Post]

You’re writing, publishing, promoting and optimizing. You’re marketing content non-stop, but nothing seems to move the needle. Even when you have a big idea, it doesn’t work quite as you planned.   For a while, we had this problem at Process Street. We followed the best practices from the pros, like Neil Patel and Brian […]

The Discreet Charm of the TAG

In her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, Marie Kondo writes, that her decluttering studies begun on a full-scale when she was in the junior high school. She used to work using the one-day-one-place method; on Mondays – her room, on Tuesdays – her sister’s room, etc. […]

First law of shitty emails, or why you should go fishing

The first law of shitty emails is – if you don’t know how to catch a fish you won’t be able to catch a customer via email. Seriously! What’s wrong with you guys? I open my inbox, and instantly want to delete all incoming messages. And if I, by mistake, open one – I want […]

RFM Model – How to Successfully Segment Your Database

Fact: bulk emails don’t work. You prepare a newsletter, add some specials, some articles, Customer Service phone number and press “send to all.” A few days after, you check stats (expecting OR to be at least 40%) and oops-a-daisy: OR=5%, CtR=0,8%. It’s not even because the customers are pickier these days. Of course, we have […]

5 Cinematic Marketing Automation Lessons

If you know how to look, you can find the valuable lessons pretty much everywhere – on the internet, in books, movies, TV series, case studies, and even while walking your dog. Make yourself a challenge this week – find a topic related to your business, and find as many tips how to improve it […]

Use Marketing Automation in SMB

Marketing Automation pairs well with SMB. It works as good as in huge companies and worldwide corporations. They are the ones that had the biggest percentage – 80% – of marketing automation implementation rate in the US. We advice how to use marketing automation software in SMB. Check if ti works for you! Simple interfaced […]

[Webinar] New face of AI in ecommerce campaigns
[Webinar] New face of AI in ecommerce campaigns

Almost everyone knows that information about customer visits and purchases in the store can be used to build advanced product recommendations. What new opportunities based on AI are opening up for companies using marketing automation solutions?     Join the presentation hosted by Marketing Automation Strategy Director and learn: what data is used to build […]

Having competitors can help your company
Having competitors can help your company

    Competition is often associated with stress or rivalry, but it is also a great opportunity for the company. It positively affects the effectiveness of employees, allows for better analysis of the market, and Competitive Advertising between companies positively affects the customers and their brand reception.    Competition increases mobilization, efficiency and allows to […]

You don’t have to do what everyone has always done – how the “Hume Guillotine” will help you to unleash your creativity
You don’t have to do what everyone has always done – how the “Hume Guillotine” will help you to unleash your creativity

    “There are no miracles!” David Hume, one of the greatest thinkers of Scottish Enlightenment, would say. His uncompromisingly sceptical philosophy was directed against claims of religion and metaphysics. But in more down-to-earth matters, it can also be very useful.   For a Scotsman, the basis of our knowledge is experience. But what does […]

[Case Study] Trionic – 400% ROI & 250% higher CTR
[Case Study] Trionic – 400% ROI & 250% higher CTR

Trionic offers high-quality, modern walking support since 2006. The company aims at providing people who need walking support with better opportunities to lead an active lifestyle and increase the possibility to be outdoors.      Goal of marketing automation in Tritonic was to adapt relevant content to the age as well as illness-diversified audience.    […]

Wiliam James and pragmatism – philosophy of market champions
Wiliam James and pragmatism – philosophy of market champions

  For centuries, philosophers have wondered what the truth is and how we should act. It was only in the 19th century that a few American philosophers thought that these were bad questions: more important one is “what is the result of it?”   Bookshelves are drowning with a flood of hundreds of books that […]