Skeletons in the eCommerce closet. Which one is your worst nightmare?


As Halloween draws near, the urgency to unveil and exorcise the lurking skeletons from eCommerce closets becomes increasingly palpable. Just as the haunted season prompts us to confront our fears, the digital landscape compels businesses to confront the formidable challenges that often remain concealed.

In this exploration, we’ve identified the most terrifying specters haunting eCommerce companies, exposing them to the light of day to discover solutions that can help these businesses navigate the ever-evolving, customer-centric world of online commerce. 

From data breaches to insufficient data hygiene, from privacy concerns to personalization challenges, these are the formidable phantoms that demand our attention and action.

If at least one of these is your haunting nightmare … read on.


1. The dreaded Data Breach


Data breaches are undoubtful skeleton in the closet of many organizations; a widely recognized yet often neglected threat. Despite their well-documented risks, some companies still fall short when it comes to adequately safeguarding their digital closets of sensitive information. These breaches can remain concealed, dormant, and seemingly harmless until they are eventually exposed, resulting in dire consequences for both customers and companies.

For customers, the aftermath of a data breach can be a haunting experience. Personal information, once securely stored, can fall into the wrong hands, leading to identity theft, financial loss, and a pervasive sense of violation. Trust in the affected company can crumble, and individuals may find themselves wary of sharing their data in the future. 

On the other side of the equation, companies face the prospect of tarnished reputations, costly legal repercussions, and financial losses. The breach is not just a threat but a looming specter, and addressing this issue proactively is essential to keep it locked safely away in the digital closet.


2. That one time when you left your digital vault wide open


While recognized as a crucial aspect of their operations, some organizations may inadvertently overlook the need to continually adapt and fortify their security measures. As the digital landscape evolves and new technologies, such as AI, are integrated into eCommerce operations, fresh security threats arise that demand vigilant addressing.

For customers, the consequences of insufficient data security can be distressing. Personal information entrusted to an eCommerce platform may become susceptible to theft, leading to identity theft, financial loss, and a loss of trust. 

On the business front, companies may face tarnished reputations, legal liabilities, and financial repercussions. To prevent the skeleton of insufficient data security from emerging, it’s imperative for eCommerce companies to stay ahead of evolving threats, incorporating robust security measures that adapt to new technologies and safeguard both their own and their customers’ interests.


3. Privacy never concerned you


Privacy concerns, the quiet but undeniable skeleton, looms from the closets of many, if not most, eCommerce companies. With customers’ heightened awareness and growing demand for data privacy, especially in the context of regulations like GDPR, companies are realizing the pressing need to address these concerns. The traditional reliance on third-party data must evolve to prioritize the ethical collection of zero-party data directly from customers, placing customer privacy and data protection at the forefront.

For customers, privacy concerns are paramount, and they expect their data to be handled with care and respect. When companies fall short in this regard, it erodes trust, raises anxiety about personal data misuse, and may lead to customers seeking alternative platforms that prioritize their privacy. 

On the corporate front, the consequences of neglecting these concerns can be substantial, including potential legal liabilities and reputational damage. Embracing the transition to ethical zero-party data collection can help businesses avoid exposing the “skeleton” of privacy concerns, aligning them with the changing expectations of their customers and regulatory requirements.


4. Who are you talking to?


Personalization challenges often lurk in the closets of still too many eCommerce companies. Customers increasingly demand personalized content and experiences in their online shopping journeys, and they seek engagement that resonates on a personal level. Simultaneously, it is essential to balance this desire for personalization with the need to build trust and respect customer privacy. Ethical personalization, based on zero-party data willingly shared by customers, is becoming the key to addressing this challenge without spooking customers with invasive surveillance practices.

For customers, personalization is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it enriches their shopping experience, making it more engaging and convenient. On the other, they are increasingly wary of companies that seem to spy on them. The consequences of invasive personalization can lead to customers feeling uneasy, distrustful, and even opting for more privacy-oriented platforms. 

On the company side, neglecting the importance of ethical personalization can result in missed opportunities, decreased customer engagement, and damaged reputations. By embracing the use of zero-party data, eCommerce companies can strike a balance that provides the personalized experience customers desire while reassuring them that their privacy remains a top priority. This proactive approach helps companies avoid exposing the “skeleton” of personalization challenges that can otherwise haunt their digital strategies.


5. Spray-and-pray marketing


Among the skeletons, spray-and-pray marketing is perhaps the most embarrassing one. Despite the industry’s evolution toward more targeted and customer-centric approaches, some companies still rely on the indiscriminate, one-size-fits-all technique. This outdated practice results in customers dismissing such messages as spam, equating them with impersonal and irrelevant communication. Customers have grown to expect tailored interactions that cater to their specific needs and preferences, and spray-and-pray marketing stands in stark contrast to these expectations.

The consequences of this misaligned marketing approach can be detrimental for both customers and companies. Customers feel alienated and annoyed, potentially leading to disengagement, opting out of communications, or even negative word-of-mouth. 

For companies, persisting with spray-and-pray campaigns can tarnish their reputation, wasting valuable resources on strategies that no longer align with modern customer expectations. To avoid exposing the “skeleton” of this outdated marketing technique, companies must adapt to the evolving landscape by embracing personalized, data-driven strategies that truly resonate with their audience and deliver relevant content.


6. Trusting your gut too much


Insufficient data-driven decision-making haunts not only companies, but eCommerce as an industry. In the era of big data, many businesses still fall short in harnessing the full potential of the valuable information at their disposal. A significant part of this challenge arises from data fragmentation, as valuable insights are dispersed across numerous data silos. The other contributing factor is the proliferation of different data tools and platforms, which can complicate the decision-making process. An effective solution to both issues lies in the creation of a unified customer profile. Such a profile allows companies to centralize data from various sources, breaking down silos, and providing a comprehensive view of customer behavior, needs, and preferences. It serves as the key to unlocking the full potential of data-driven decision-making.

Complementing this solution is the choice of a platform that enables the most flexible composability, granting companies the freedom to select and integrate the tools best suited for their unique martech stack, ensuring they can adapt to evolving data needs and maximize the potential of data-driven decision-making.

The consequences of insufficient data-driven decision-making extend to both customers and companies. Customers may find themselves subjected to generic, irrelevant content and experiences, which can lead to dissatisfaction and, ultimately, lost opportunities for businesses. On the other hand, companies that fail to capitalize on their data may miss out on valuable insights that could improve their products, services, and marketing efforts, hindering growth and efficiency. To avoid exposing the “skeleton” of insufficient data-driven decision-making, eCommerce companies must prioritize the creation and utilization of unified customer profiles to enable more informed and customer-centric decision-making.


7. Fool me once…


Insufficient data quality and accuracy hides in the closets of many eCommerce companies. While data has become a cornerstone of modern commerce, some companies continue to rely heavily on third-party data sources, even though these datasets have frequently proven to be of poor quality. The consequences of relying on unreliable data can be detrimental, leading companies to base critical decisions on inaccurate or outdated information. Furthermore, this often results in wasting valuable resources and time on data that doesn’t align with the actual needs and preferences of their customers. The solution lies in increasing data hygiene and emphasizing the collection and utilization of first and zero-party data, which not only ensures data accuracy but also fosters a deeper understanding of customer behavior and desires.

For customers, the consequences of insufficient data quality and accuracy are apparent in the form of poorly targeted marketing, irrelevant product recommendations, and a sense of being misunderstood by the companies they interact with. These shortcomings can erode customer trust and lead to a negative perception of the brand. 

On the business side, the impact extends to inefficient operations, misguided strategies, and lost revenue opportunities, further underscoring the importance of prioritizing data quality and relevance. By addressing these challenges and relying more on first and zero-party data, eCommerce companies can avoid exposing the “skeleton” of data quality and accuracy issues that may haunt their decision-making processes and customer relationships.


What skeleton lurks in your closet?


Each of these challenges can haunt organizations, damaging their reputation and prospects while unsettling the delicate balance between customer trust and digital innovation. Is there any hope left?


Enter the Customer Data Platform (CDP), a beacon of light in the haunted mansion of data management. It can help address these challenges, offering a comprehensive solution to ensure:

  • data security,
  • privacy, 
  • personalized customer experiences,
  • targeted marketing efforts, 
  • data-driven decision-making.

With its ability to centralize, clean, and protect data, a CDP can banish the specters of data breaches, privacy concerns, and data quality issues, while illuminating the path toward effective personalization, targeted marketing, and data-driven decision-making. Embracing a CDP is like having a trustworthy ghostly companion on the digital journey, ensuring that the skeletons stay safely in the closet, and businesses can navigate the ever-changing landscape with confidence and grace.


SALESmanago is a Customer Engagement Platform for impact-hungry eCommerce marketing teams who want to be lean yet powerful, trusted revenue growth partners for CEOs. Our AI-driven solutions have already been adopted by 2000+ mid-size businesses in 50 countries, as well as many well-known global brands such as Starbucks, Vodafone, Lacoste, KFC, New Balance and Victoria’s Secret.

SALESmanago delivers on its promise of maximizing revenue growth and improving eCommerce KPIs by leveraging three principles: (1) Customer Intimacy to create authentic customer relationships based on Zero and First Party Data; (2) Precision Execution to provide superior Omnichannel customer experience thanks to Hyperpersonalization; and (3) Growth Intelligence merging human and AI-based guidance enabling pragmatic and faster decision making for maximum impact.

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