High sales conversion rate is often regarded a signal of company success. However, in order to be able to follow its gradual growth, it’s worth to know what stands behind this boost and what activities to start with in order to efficiently and mindfully build value of the company. Below, you’ll find five elements it’s worth to take care of.
Tell your story
Storytelling is becoming more and more prominent. Telling a story about our brand, how it started and what the inspiration was, has become really persuasive method to attract the recipient. It’s natural mechanism that people are effected by stories, which is due to the way our brain functions. It doesn’t matter if we hear the story from a friend or a newspaper, we react similarly – we tailor such story to our own feelings, creating the sense of belonging and common experiences. Knowing how heavily such stories can influence the receivers, do your best to make them hear your story. Ideally, this should be unique and related to your brand.
Reviews, opinions and credibility
According to Search Engine Journal, 63% of consumers admit that they purchase products of a particular brand if there are product reviews from fellow buyers on the WWW page. Highlighted reviews function as reference from clients and become really significant. In turn, over 70% of surveyees search the web before making a purchase, paying special attention to other users behavior and comments. Sharing that sort of information consciously and deliberately, seriously improves brand credibility. This way we create the sense of confidence and credibility if the reviews are mostly positive. Yet, lack of such feedback on our WWW page may be suspicious for the visitors looking for information.
Potential loss syndrome
Most people, when they have perspective of loosing an opportunity, a bargain or discount, will do their best not to let this happen. The risk of missing something mobilizes much more then for example then making a similar profit in other parallel activities. Such knowledge has been used for long in TV, radio or the Internet commercials. Therefore, knowing simple mechanisms, we are able to encourage potential customer to make a purchase. We can present a special offer for a limited time, alerting the clients how much they can loose not opting for a purchase. It needs to be supported with reliable data or statistics and without useless demagogy.
Education and knowledge
It’s definitely easier to convince your potential contractor to take advantage of your services if you can justify that you are good at what you are doing. To prove your words, you need to demonstrate that you are an authority in your particular field. These can be case studies and precise information from processes successfully accomplished and optimized. Sharing your expert knowledge and distributing that type of data, you not only become credible in what you are doing but also, in the eyes of others, you are perceived as professional with complete knowledge in particular field.
Monitor and analyze with Marketing Automation
Once you begin your activities and use information mentioned above, don’t forget about one key issue. Conversion is about ratings. Only them will allow to draw conclusions from carried on ventures. Pay attention to which of your activities and to what extent contributed to increase activity of the recipients and their purchase orders. This way, you’ll have clear sign, which strategy elements turn out most effective and which still need to be worked out. Marketing Automation system is good solution here, since it will allow to pursue communication, marketing and sales activities within a single structure. Our Marketing Automation SALESmanago software allows to perform complete sales conversion analytics. With this particular data, you can optimize your activities in even more efficient way.
When building the brand image, we begin with telling our own story, support it with our experiences and at the same time constantly gather opinions and reviews from consumers. Authenticity and transparency of our activities will allow to build trust among recipients. That’s why, it’s essential to encourage clients to share their experiences with the service quality or the whole sales process in a dedicated area on our WWW page. Such transparency is received favorably and positively by consumers, who are not afraid to use our solutions and can always count on our professional assistance or advice. These pro-consumer actions will surely result in increased sales conversion in your company.