Forget love, lust and BDSM, forget lip-biting, eye-rolling and gasping. 50 Shades of Grey discusses something completely different: new type of consumer – emotional, internally conflicted and active. That’s the reason for its success – it’s neither the first soft porn addressed to women nor the most bold or original one. Trilogy’s fame came from perfect understanding of new type of reader-consumer. Learn how to use that knowledge for your company’s development.
1 Prosumption. Customer is also a producer
Do you know that huge parts of 50 Shades were published online in series, so readers could comment, make suggestions and actively participate in process of creation? E.L. James, working previously as TV producer, knew how to make product that fits people’s expectations – she just ASKED what her audience needed.
TIP: Look at crowdsourcing start-ups: they gather community around their products, let audience know that they value their opinion, consult and feel responsible before them. Although you might be a big, international company right now, it’s good to remind yourself of your real users. How can you involve them, how to let them feel important?
2 It’s not about originality, it’s about customers
Grey trilogy was initially a fan fiction to Twilight. We can’t see any resemblance either, but the point is E.L. James knew that originality or inventing something new on her own wasn’t exactly a success factor. So what was? Understanding customers’ emotion and shaping the book according to their fantasies. Nothing more.
TIP: Grey trilogy can be perceived as a symptom of customer revolution. Read more about highest standard of customer service (and why it doesn’t always benefit).
3 WOMM. Community is best ad you can have
50 Shades were issued by not so big Australian publisher and actually had no traditional marketing campaign. The book achieved popularity (beating sales of Harry Potter and Dan Brown) due to word of mouth – captivated readers recommending book to each other. Engagement of community was gained way before the trilogy went out – it was the moment when readers cooperated with author on the process of writing. As they felt that the book was written with them in mind, they were more enthusiast about it.
TIP: Identify your core group of users/ fans and realize how much potential lies in their hands: their recommendations can do more than many expensive ad campaigns.
Apply these tips and may your inner goddess sway in a gentle victorious samba!