Localized, or local Marketing Automation

Localized Marketing Automation is a technology, which assists in management of marketing strategies in companies with centralized headquarters and a number of branches at various locations. It was created in order to let particular branches effectively generate demand on a local level, keeping integrity of the whole brand at the same time. Some tools of that type are mainly designed to manage brand assets, while others to carry out multichannel marketing activities. There are also such tools, which combine both functions, allowing to improve the effectiveness of all image activities of the company.

For whom is such solution suitable

Companies and organizations, who manage national or international brand in centralized mode, at the same time possessing dispersed branches, regional divisions or network of distributors, usually wrestle with the problem of excessive costs related to marketing as well as ineffective image strategies. They often are simply not able to live up to the requirements of dispersed marketing environment, which happens to be very much diversified, depending on location. Fortunately for sales persons, there are technologies on the market, developed especially to solve such kind of problems. These are LMA systems (localized marketing automation), allowing local marketing teams to carry on campaigns, adjusting simultaneously to the rules set by the company management.

Most common problems of dispersed organizations

Nowadays, clients expect us to reach them through all available communication channels, particularly those using new technologies. Many local salespersons may not have appropriate knowledge and experience to represent the brand accordingly in these field. It happens that they loose effort and funds, engaging third parties to adjust advertising materials to local conditions and preferences. Lack of suitable communication and accordance between local centers and head quarter is another big issue. Consequently, local representatives often look for autonomy, leading their own local campaigns, without approval from ‘big bosses’, what makes brand communication inconsistent.

How LMA technologies work

Platforms like LMA, allow to link orders of corporate marketing with the needs of local sales persons. Most of all, they enable centralization of brand corporate resources and syndication of approved templates for local branches. Such function is often called ‘dynamic templating. It allows to decide which part of the campaign can and which should not be modified by local marketers. In turn, local specialists have automatic access to images, templates and whole campaigns, being able to personalize them in respect to local audience. LMA tools give possibilities, which often are already available within the company. However, only they allow to gain full insight into communication effectiveness between the brand and its local representatives. It relieves local entities from the effort of pursuing the whole campaign through centrally scaled platform, which has ready-made templates build in. As far as LMA platforms can substitute separate marketing techniques for local entities, the realization of the campaign can be supported and measured by corporate marketing. It gives marketers autonomy in local communication, securing ability to supervise brand integrity at the same time. Those tools can be adjusted to unique skills of local entities. More sophisticated specialists may work out their strategies with greater breadth, while those less advanced may simply rely on company campaign management for local clients. Platforms of this type are also ideally tailored to those industries with high level of supervision and regulation. They help to obtain full accordance and store history of complete communication going out of the company.

The benefits

It’s a fact that dispersed brands aren’t often prepared to fully take advantage of digital revolution, rather sticking to traditional practices. Local marketers realize the necessity of local engagement of their recipients with the help of modern technologies. LMA platforms are fully adapted to this. Not only they allow to increase revenue and decrease advertising budget but also to refine multichannel, local activities, keeping full support of corporate marketing.











According to Gleanster Research newest report, expected revenue increase can account for as much as 62%, while reducing the costs by even 52%. One of undisputed benefits is the fact that centralized access to brand standards allows for materials personalization, in accordance with executive regulations. This, in turn, not only grants management of brand integrity but also increase of receivers digital engagement on local level. Undoubtedly, campaign time cycle goes down and its effects are obvious and observable much faster.

LMA in SALESmanago Marketing Automation

Thanks to its advanced capabilities of users account configuration, sharing marketing campaigns and access set-up to data kept in the system, SALESmanago Marketing Automation is ideal for companies, which need to pursue coherent marketing activities in the whole group and be free to realize stand-alone activities by local entities. Taking full advantage of SALESmanago functionalities allows head quarter to accomplish, analyze and control basic marketing activities of the whole group. Ability to share particular elements of marketing campaigns such as message templates or automation rules, allows to secure graphic coherence of all messages and lets local entities edit and tailor communication to local conditions. It’s also possible to carry own ones individual activities on the basis of shared or self-created processes. It’s great advantage of SALESmanago that, in coherent manner, it’s possible to merge local and central activities, while head quarter secures full control over the pursued processes.

SALESmanago is a Customer Engagement Platform for impact-hungry eCommerce marketing teams who want to be lean yet powerful, trusted revenue growth partners for CEOs. Our AI-driven solutions have already been adopted by 2000+ mid-size businesses in 50 countries, as well as many well-known global brands such as Starbucks, Vodafone, Lacoste, KFC, New Balance and Victoria’s Secret.

SALESmanago delivers on its promise of maximizing revenue growth and improving eCommerce KPIs by leveraging three principles: (1) Customer Intimacy to create authentic customer relationships based on Zero and First Party Data; (2) Precision Execution to provide superior Omnichannel customer experience thanks to Hyperpersonalization; and (3) Growth Intelligence merging human and AI-based guidance enabling pragmatic and faster decision making for maximum impact.

More information: www.salesmanago.com

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