Ecommerce industry has its own rules. What is its strength can be at the same time one of the major pitfalls for online stores owners, especially for rookies that are unaware of their existence. Many Jeff-Bezos-wannabes, lured by the promise of cutting rental costs, throw themselves at the deep end and meet a solid wall. […]
We have recently enabled the integration of SALESmanago with the popular open source ecommerce platform – Magento 2. By integrating Magento 2, SALESmanago users can enlarge their contact database with additional data from contact forms placed and filled in on their online store website. Changes in Magento 2 (compared to earliest versions) Magento 2, […]
Catching a contact that’s just about to leave your web page, exchanging a small gift for contact data, presenting company’s philosophy – these are the situations in which pop-ups work best. As surprising eye-catchers, they cannot be and have not been equaled by any other website marketing tool. But what can replace them if, you […]
We get attached to our devices, and that’s a fact you can’t ignore. A few years ago, the very interesting trend appeared: BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Shortly speaking, it means that employers allow their employees to bring devices they like to work at to the office. Despite some security concerns, BYOD became a widely […]
It is HIM – the Mythical Database Buster, the nightmare of KPIs and the Bogeyman of Marketing Department: beware of the OPT-OUT. The term opt-out means no more nor less than a set of methods that allow users to stop receiving content from a given sender. It is usually linked with email marketing, but it […]
The Imitation Game I propose to consider the question, “Can machines think?” This should begin with definitions of the meaning of the terms “machine” and “think.” The definitions might be framed so as to reflect so far as possible the normal use of the words, but this attitude is dangerous, If the meaning of […]
Not so long ago we’ve presented you the life cycle of lead – from casual and anonymous visitor straight to the loyal customer. Client’s relationship with a brand is shaped differently at each stage. The beginning is always difficult – you must earn the trust of a complete stranger, to convince her to pass one […]
On Valentine’s Day lovers they give each other flowers and chocolate. We want to give our dear readers something more useful: some recipes for simple yet effective automation rules. See how to make your life easier with Marketing Automation Platform. Without further ado, we invite you to read! Win back your old sweetheart He […]