Have you heard about Voice Commerce? According to Visual Thesaurus, people can speak 125 to 150 words per minute, which’s over three times faster than the average typing speed. Because of this inherent human ability, voice search became a new daily habit of our lives. It’s more natural for people to talk than to type or click. If you are still not convinced, as per Search Engine Watch: ‘62% of voice speaker owners have made purchases through their virtual assistant, and 40% of millennials use voice assistants before making online purchases’. Voice search is the future of retrieval, don’t fall behind and implement it in your online store.
Let’s spill the tea: What Voice Commerce is?
Voice Commerce is a modern solution, which makes it possible for site search users to get results by speaking their query instead of typing words. Voice recognition systems follow everyday use of language, so it is a natural experience as if you were speaking to a human. With the use of voice search, your online store will become more user-friendly and pleasant for your customers. Speed up the shopping process with fast access to products!
- 65% of consumers ages 25-49 years old talk to their voice-enabled devices daily (PwC),
- Close to 50% of people are now researching products using Voice Search (Social Media Today),
- 20% of mobile queries are now voice searches (Search Engine Land),
- 61% of consumers say voice search is most useful to them when their hands or vision is occupied (Social Media Today),
- Voice Shopping is estimated to reach $40 billion in the US by 2022 (Invesp).
Overall, Voice Commerce not only enables to complete actions quickly and easily, but also streamlines our lives in ways never before possible. Due to this, you can reach for interesting items with just a few words! What’s more, with SALESmanago it is your decision how the icon of Voice Commerce will look, or maybe you want to add it to the search bar? It is all up to you!
- Decide how you want the Voice Commerce to be accessed – through an icon or perhaps a button. Fully customize its size, color, even frame.
- Design an icon or a button that will allow quick and simple search via voice commands. Adjust it to the appearance of your site and make it attractive to the eyes of viewers.
- Transfer the illusion of speaking to a real consultant to your online store, no matter which device, desktop, or mobile phone your visitors use. Voice Commerce will always find what they are searching for.
- Take your Online Store to the new level of mobile shopping experience by deploying Voice Commerce technology seamlessly integrating Google Services, CDP data, NLP, and Artificial Intelligence.
- Provide one-click access to Voice Commerce anywhere on your website and allow customers to instantly use Voice Commands during the search and purchase process.
- Encourage your website visitors to interact with your store via voice commands by displaying dedicated personalized and engaging call-to-actions integrated with Voice Commerce solutions.
- Analyze to what extent customers use Voice Commerce to explore, find and buy products on your website. Use advanced reports and search analytics dashboard to measure the success of usage.
Make your customers’ life easier: just say it!
- Improve Customer Experience and increase your sales, users are much more likely to use voice to make their purchases,
- Open yourself for a new target, Millennials are willing to embrace new voice solutions,
- Keep things simple and just let your customers tell what they are looking for. With searching by voice, finding products is available regardless of time or place. No more warring of wetting your device while doing home chores,
- Fully customize the appearance of Voice Commerce! Choose the placement of the button, shape, or even animation,
- Enable users to search faster and more conveniently, save the time of your visitors and make them feel more productive,
- Look your best! Develop your site by making it comfortable and more intuitive to use, all with a unique fitting design.
If you think that this is the same as using voice commands available on your smartphone you are probably wrong