There is no doubt that the aim of your activities, regardless of the type of industry you operate in, is to increase conversion, which will have an impact on the development and income of the business. Remember that the way you treat your own audience is reflected in the company’s revenues. In times of vast variety of products and services, professional service of potential and current customers is of great importance.
Currently, there are many forms of communication with users available on the market, but the channel that is increasingly popular and more willingly chosen not only by customers, but also by companies, is Live Chat. It is an ideal solution for any company offering products or services. See how you can increase your conversion rate by talking to your customers.
Satysfying impatient customers
We live in a world where the multitude of daily duties makes us want to make some decisions as quickly as possible in order to focus on other, more important activities. This applies not only to you, but also to your customers. It is worth noting that the process of making purchasing decisions is influenced by the speed of obtaining information concerning the details of the product or its availability.
Easy access to customer service will also help to keep customers who have encountered payment problems after purchasing your product or service. An available consultant can immediately provide the necessary information or support the customer. This will potentially increase their satisfaction and may make them more likely to return to your website.
The fact is that customers do not like to wait. Picture this: a person interested in your product cannot find the size or colour of the desired product. In this case, they would like to be informed immediately of the date of availability. With more traditional means of communication, such as e-mail or telephone, it is very likely that a customer who does not receive a “here and now” answer will either be discouraged or completely give up on your offer. Mere minutes can impact their decision. Having an e-mail address as your sole mean of communication with customers results in a serious risk of losing some users, ones who will not want to wait up to an hour for a reply from you. Remember that 64% of individual customers and as many as 80% of B2B customers expect a real-time response from the seller*.
For the sake of keeping impatient customers, it is worth to consider the live chat tool. Fast communication in real time will allow you to attract customers who are always in a rush.
Taking care of individual customers
In addition to the aforementioned advantages of real-time communication, an equally important advantage of a live chat is the possibility of correspondence with unlimited number of contacts. What’s more, live chat not only improves the whole process of communication, but also allows you to take care of individual customers wanting to contact you.
Returning to traditional forms of correspondence: e-mail or telephone, there is a risk of losing a certain group of recipients.
For e-mail, it may happen that, in the sea of e-mails in your mailbox, you may miss a query or, even worse, it might be redirected to the spam tab. Contact via telephone does not allow you to think over your decision without feeling pressured to make it instantly. Communication through chat is more relaxed, so users are more likely to use it. In addition, the transparency of the chat does not allow you to skip any message. All this increases the professionalism of your customer service.
Remember, proper communication increases the loyalty of customers, who are more willing to return to your website knowing that they can always count on support.You can spend the saved time on further development of the company.
Advantage of Live Chat on the website – minimize customer distraction during the shopping process
A friendly design of the live chat will allow you to sell more!
With contact forms or a “contact” tab on your website, you have to take into account the dispersed attention of a potential customer, who in order to obtain information about a product or service will be forced to click through the site or leave it completely. Note that any distraction of the customer lengthens the decision making time or completely prevents them from making the decision.
Live chat is a small element in the form of an icon, usually located at the bottom of the page. Additionally, its presence on each tab allows your recipient to feel that they can receive support at all times, without distractions.
The solution presented above may be helpful especially for the Ecommerce industry, where it is important that the contact is met with as few distracting stimuli as possible.
What’s more, placing additional graphics over the live chat icon will allow you to
indicate the possibility of receiving support during the decision making process by the customer in a non-intrusive way.
With or without a contact form?
In most cases, Live Chat offers the possibility to show a contact form before the conversation begins. Consider whether it is necessary for your company, as it may be helpful or harmful depending on the industry. Note that the additional data to be filled in before starting a conversation with a consultant may not be the best solution for the Ecommerce industry.
Online shoppers prefer not to leave their data if they don’t have to, as they like to keep their privacy at least until they make a purchase decision. Remember that providing quick support is more important than formalities; however, there are situations (described below) in which it is worth using the form.
Inactive consultant? It’s okay! Leave your contact details in the form
Sometimes it may happen that a consultant is not available online. In such cases, the use of a form to for a customer to leave contact data is a very good idea. Thanks to that, you can contact the customer, preventing them from searching for information on the competitor’s website as well as from feeling that you’ve ignored them.
SALESmanago Live Chat. Monitoring of past purchasing processes i.e. quick access to information about the customer
In SALESmanago, thanks to the possibility of using a progressive form, you can fill in information about a customer in order to meet their interests even more precisely. Additionally, thanks to the access to information about previous behaviours, visited pages or transactions, you can better understand the client’s expectations and, as a result, offer them customised solutions. All this increases the customer’s satisfaction, which will certainly translate into the profit of your company.
Product recommendation options that allow you to access recently viewed products, abandoned shopping carts or products recommended by AI, will allow you to make comprehensive use of the live chat functionality. An additional option of conversation analytics will allow you to control the work of customer service, and thus increase the level of customer satisfaction.
As you can see, live chat will allow you to easily and efficiently ensure excellent customer service. Remember that without proper customer service, even the best quality of products or services is not enough. The availability of a specialist who will advise and assist your customers in the purchasing process is often the decisive factor in their purchase. Remember that service should be adjusted to the requirements of a modern buyer. The more you meet the expectations of your website’s visitors, the faster you will increase your revenue by increasing the number of satisfied customers, who will gladly return to do more shopping.