Understanding what really affects sales at online store and what drives revenue growth is a holy grail of all eCommerce marketing world. This is why, SALESmanago, following intensive discussions with Customer Advisory Board, a group of representatives of key customers, mostly largest European eCommerce & B2C Companies, introduced a completely new analytical features. They help to understand the real nature of marketing process as well as discover what role in revenue generation is played by automation processes run by SALESmanago. You get the holistic analytical view of all your business by easily configuring over 30 widgets that are available.
Conversion Paths Analytics replaced by Cross Channel Attribution Analytics
Probably most marketers have tried to understand how the purchase is generated by looking at most popular conversion paths. But do they really tell you how to structure your marketing campaign. Do you believe that by looking at the almost infinite number of conversion paths you may draw some general conclusions and understanding how it all works?
SALESmanago approach to that is a complex analytics of what actually happens before the purchase on a global scale by monitoring all customer interactions preceding the purchase. We call it Cross Channel Revenue Attribution Analytics and it lets you understand what affects the initiation of the purchase process, what affects decision making process and what way happens the finalization of the transaction. You can analyze up to 25 interactions prior to the purchase.
What we have learned so far from the global analytics of customer data? Well, most of the finished purchase processes start from interactions generated by SALESmanago (yes, we calculate when and with what offer target which customer).
Understanding ROI from the implementation of marketing automation
A special attention was paid to finally answer the frequent questions of the customers regarding the effects of SALESmanago implementation. A couple of widgets help you to understand exactly which channels powered by SALESmanago deliver most revenue in a direct way (last clicks) as well as how they support the purchase process.
Overview of the new eCommerce analytics in SALESmanago
CROSS CHANNEL REVENUE ATTRIBUTION – enables precise analysis of interactions which took place prior the purchase – you can find out when and thanks to which channels your clients buy products. You are also able to understand what the influence of each channel on various stages in selling process is.
REVENUE SOURCES ANALYTICS – shows revenue from all sources – you can discover what the total sales generated by all your on-line campaigns is. Thanks to that, you can manage your marketing budget and optimize ROMI.
REVENUE GENERATED WITH HELP OF SALESmanago – detailed analysis of your revenue – you can find out how campaigns run with help of SALESmanago increase your revenue.
BEST CONVERSION PATHS – check the analytics of conversion paths which tells you from which sources your clients go to your website and buy products.
ADVANCED PRODUCT ANALYTICS – follow bestsellers – you always know which products, categories, brands and producers are most popular ones. Being aware of that you can prepare better recommendations.
More information about the new analytical feature in SALESmanago