Posts from category: Recommended

Fast Date with Marketing Automation

You may have noticed that both marketing and the entire sales process is really similar to everyday life. And the best example to show it’s true is the… the “process” of dating. Surprised? When you meet a new person, you want to make the first move, introduce yourself and get some contact information in order […]

Is the traditional consumerism coming to an end?

Last month, like every year, we enjoyed the Black Friday bargains, and now, a few weeks before Christmas, the shopping fever reaches its peak. The holiday season is usually the time of rampant consumerism. Nevertheless, in recent years, we have been observing the apparition of new trends that negate the existing consumer lifestyle. This happens […]

How to be more productive: 10 apps that’ll help you to maximize your efficiency

The modern workplace struggles with procrastination, distractions, and lack of efficiency. According to a 2018 Udemy report, 78% of Millennials and Generation Z employees admit that they’re distracted at work, and the lack of productivity makes them stressed and unmotivated. The amount of time the workers spend on Facebook only could be costing companies billions […]

5 reasons why companies without HR have actually better HR (SALESmanago approach)

Without doubt, human resources are a company’s greatest asset. Among many other factors that surely play a big role in company’s development (know-how, investors, market research…) the key to success are the people who put their talent and effort into their work every single day. You can have great tools and cutting-edge technology, but without […]

#SuperBowl, a Few Thoughts on American Ad Feast

A year ago we wrote about Super Bowl. As this year’s Big Game is almost upon us, we would like to remind you about what happened last year and add some juicy news, previews and reviews related to the 2018 Super Bowl. Each year millions of Americans sit down on the couch to watch the […]

Digital Marketer’s Horoscope

Some marketers are still gazing into their crystal balls instead of rooting their work in empirical data analysis conducted via marketing automation platform. Today we decided to try this approach, and that’s how this unique one-of-the-kind digital marketer’s horoscope became possible. Our office fortune teller John doesn’t promise any accuracy, only tons of fun and […]

Beyond the Plain Website Chat: Live Chat by SALESmanago

It’s not a secret, that 80% of SALESmanago users are from Ecommerce & Online Stores. Every now and then we like to launch a gem designed to fit perfectly their needs. Our newest feature – Live Chat is designed especially for Ecommerce & Online Stores. Live Chats have become the Ecommerce revelation of the past […]

8 Dumb Ways to Automate Marketing + Infographics

So you think you can automate, right? You bought a marketing automation platform license, made a database import, and even implemented the tracking code on your website. Is there anything that could stop you from becoming the new Jeff Bezos? Unfortunately, there are some common yet severe mistakes you can unwillingly make while implementing your […]

eCommerce is Booms and Stagnates
eCommerce is Booms and Stagnates

    By Brian Plackis Cheng, CEO at SALESmanago   Commerce is fickle; it stagnates and booms. Customer journeys are non-linear. And these are the things we know for sure. Without actionable customer data and personalised journeys, eCommerce companies are losing customers and prospects, eroding their brand, and sacrificing their competitive edge.    Embracing zero-party […]

Plateau of Productivity – Business vs AI face off 2024
Plateau of Productivity – Business vs AI face off 2024

    YouTuber Tomasz Rożek’s channel, “Science. I like It,” recently featured a fascinating discussion on “Next Steps of AI Expansion” with Aleksandra Katarzyna Przegalińska-Skierkowska. While the lack of English subtitles remains a mystery, the conversation itself is a must-watch.   Plateau of productivity   Tomasz Rożek graduated in physics and journalism from the University […]

Are Your Marketing Strategies Future-Proof? A Mid-Year Check-In for CMOs
Are Your Marketing Strategies Future-Proof? A Mid-Year Check-In for CMOs

    As we have crossed the midpoint of 2024, it’s an opportune moment for Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) to evaluate progress and ensure their strategies align with… the “dynamic landscape” would be an understatement, really. With Gartner identifying AI integration, evolving marketing roles, and cross-functional growth as top priorities for 2024, CMOs need to […]

How Focus Garden Cultivated Unprecedented Growth with SALESmanago
How Focus Garden Cultivated Unprecedented Growth with SALESmanago

    Focus Garden, the premier destination for high-quality garden furniture and supplies, cultivates success as meticulously as their customers cultivate their gardens. We’re proud to support the company in their digital journey, focused strategically overcoming challenges and setting new standards in customer engagement.   In less than a year, our collaborative efforts with Focus […]

Prepare your business for a cookieless world 🍪
Prepare your business for a cookieless world 🍪

    If you haven’t heard of zero-party data’s immense benefits for online businesses, you must’ve spent the last two years under a particularly cozy rock 🪨    But don’t fret – let us give you a quick rundown of the benefits before we dive into how you can harness this goldmine, maximize the utility […]

SALESmanago Announces Key Leadership Appointments: Welcoming New CEO and CRO
SALESmanago Announces Key Leadership Appointments: Welcoming New CEO and CRO

    SALESmanago, a leading no-code CDP & Marketing Automation platform, is excited to announce significant changes to its leadership team, aimed at enhancing our delivery of end-to-end solutions to the mid-market. With a focus on actionable data insights and a flexible workflow management engine, we enable our clients to run automated, omnichannel marketing campaigns […]

[New Feature] Shine the light on your hidden visitors with Spotlight
[New Feature] Shine the light on your hidden visitors with Spotlight

    The data noise can keep you in the dark – that’s why Spotlight shines the light on the hidden visitors and helps convert them into loyal Customers. Understand your anonymous shoppers and tailor personalized website campaigns based on their behavior.   With approximately 85% of website visitors remaining anonymous, it’s crucial to understand […]