Who else wants to be a SuperMarketer and increase their e-mail conversions by over 300%?

60% of marketers think that e-mail marketing generates ROI for the company. Mainly because calculating this indicator in e-mails is very clear and simple. In addition, e-mails allow companies to remain permanently in the minds of the existing and potential clients and help in building a lasting bond between the company and a customer. However, e-mail marketing is not going to work if it’s not properly implemented.

E-mail marketing is, was and probably will be the most popular and one of the most effective marketing tool. However, it has to meet the needs of more and more demanding customers. Today, each of us would like to be treated individually, both when we are a customer visiting a stationary store, and an e-mail recipient. In the MarketingSherpa Email Marketing Benchmark Survey marketers were asked what do they want to achieve in email marketing within one year. There were 4 similar answers:


– 67% of marketers want to deliver perfectly personalized e-mails to the recipients

– 67% want to get more traffic to their WWW websites

– 67% want to increase their sales conversions and/or revenue

– 65% want to achieve more e-mail engagement.

Do the above-mentioned results mean that marketers need Marketing Automation in order to run more effective e-mail marketing campaigns? Certainly implementing Marketing Automation allows to achieve much better results in all mentioned areas. Identifying and monitoring behaviors of individual WWW website visitors that Marketing Automation does enables running more effective and successful campaigns. How does it look like in each area?

How to deliver perfectly personalized content to your recipients?

If we want to send tailor-made personalized e-mail messages, the only thing we should know is what exactly is the recipient interested in. In classical e-mail marketing recognizing the recipients’ behaviors was limited to information: who and what link did he click on. Additionally, Marketing Automation monitors visitors’ behaviors on your WWW website. Knowing recipients’ behaviors eases the process of adjusting content to their interests. What’s more, we can send e-mail messages in response to their behavior, e.g. 2 hours after their last visit on your WWW website. According to the above-mentioned survey, 39% of marketers currently use automatic messages to deliver better prepared personalized content. The easiest way to match content in e-mail marketing is starting from sending the newsletter and segmenting the contact base according to the recipients’ behaviors.

How to increase sales conversion?

The Marketing Automation system allows to catch interested clients long before they will contact the company on their own or will appear in the CRM system.  If such client is ready to purchase, then the system will automatically deliver the contact to the sales department. Otherwise, the system will activate a Lead Nurturing program for this contact. During the program, the customer will get some e-mail messages pertaining to products/services he’s interested in. That’s a way to build a non-invasive relation and increase their interest in your product.

Marketing Automation is also automatic matching and personalizing one-to-one offers. On basis of the behavior of a contact on the WWW website, the system can automatically create an e-mail message including the most interesting products for the recipient and send it at the right moment, e.g. shortly after the contact’s visit on a page of the given product. It dramatically increases sales conversion.

How to achieve higher e-mail engagement?

In most cases, we measure e-mail engagement using OR (Open Rates) and CTR (Click-Through Rates). The value of these parameters increases directly proportional to adjusting communication at the right time and by using the right content and communication channel. Marketing Automation allows to lead the adjusted communication using most of the marketing and sales communication channels.

How to generate more traffic to the WWW website?

Marketing Automation is not only higher effectiveness and e-mail interaction, what results in more visits on the WWW website, but it’s also a possibility to match communiques in ad networks to individual visitors and that results in more traffic on the WWW website. The segmentation of the contact database itself on the basis of behavioral data and sending e-mails to other segments results in more visits.


SALESmanago is a Customer Engagement Platform for impact-hungry eCommerce marketing teams who want to be lean yet powerful, trusted revenue growth partners for CEOs. Our AI-driven solutions have already been adopted by 2000+ mid-size businesses in 50 countries, as well as many well-known global brands such as Starbucks, Vodafone, Lacoste, KFC, New Balance and Victoria’s Secret.

SALESmanago delivers on its promise of maximizing revenue growth and improving eCommerce KPIs by leveraging three principles: (1) Customer Intimacy to create authentic customer relationships based on Zero and First Party Data; (2) Precision Execution to provide superior Omnichannel customer experience thanks to Hyperpersonalization; and (3) Growth Intelligence merging human and AI-based guidance enabling pragmatic and faster decision making for maximum impact.

More information: www.salesmanago.com

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