The Great Book Of Generating Leads




Google is the first port of call for people when searching for information on the internet. Most clicked results are at the top of the page. Those visible in the top positions are usually paid results.


You start with keywords, and then create the title and content of the displayed ads in a specific form. Remember you must choose the right landing page you want to redirect traffic to – it has to be responsive and should include a place to leave the data (with adequate incentives, of course).

Useful tools

Keyword planner to search for and plan keywords A tool for detailed analysis of social media, SEO, AdWords and web mentions Scripts for AdWords.

What can be automated

  • Stopping non-effective campaigns and keywords,
  • Tracking the AdWords quality score,
  • Removing disapproved ads,
  • Time when ads displayed (daily).


  • Wide range,
  • Targeting possibility,
  • Displaying results based on location.


  • Costs,
  • Necessity of constant updating and optimization.





Internet users often look for information, guides and ways to solve problems. Running a blog allows you to gather useful and engaging content in one place. Moreover, these texts can be used for direct promotion of your products: you can embed videos and add links to the relevant landing pages, banners or pop-ups encouraging people to subscribe for a newsletter or download an ebook.


Create a CMS account, write some articles, add appropriate forms integrated with the CRM platform and you’re good to go.

Useful tools

  • Keyword Planner – for better content optimization,
  • Popular topic finder RSS reader – to keep up with competitors’ activities.

What can be automated

  • Publication of posts from blogging platforms in social media,
  • Alerts about comments,
  • Alerts for new contacts in CRM,
  • Tagging contacts.


  • Creating a database of useful content,
  • Improving your position in search results,
  • Creating a long-term relationship with readers.


  • Time consuming,
  • Necessity of content distribution that is often associated with additional costs.



Download Center


The electronic library, where in exchange for contact data you can download ebooks, infographics, case studies, forms or templates.


Upload several creations to a website, add a form integrated with the Marketing Automation platform to each, set the automatic dispatch of emails with the requested file, or set unlocking the download action right after the data is saved in the system.

Useful tools

Marketing Automation Platform – for automatic message sending.

What can be automated

Requested file sending.


  • A constantly expanded educational center,
  • Content recycling,
  • Ability to use content in other channels.


  • Lead quality – they are not necessarily intrested in making a purchase,
  • The possibility of obtaining false data if the file isn’t sent via email,
  • Messages might be labeled as spam.





Cross promotion is basically the mutual promotion of products by various companies.


For starters, look among your business contacts for manufacturers, dealers, and service providers which offer products and services somehow related to yours, or complementary to them. Develop terms of cooperation and recommend each other’s products, whether as website banners or as a mention with a backlink on a blog, or even as a separate tab in e-store.

Useful tools

A tool for tracking web mentions.

What can be automated

Posting in social media.


  • Enlarging audience,
  • Supporting your message with an independent source,
  • Strengthening cooperation with partners,
  • Improving your position in search results.


You might not be able to execute a partner’s actions.



Free template


People visit your website to find a solution to their problems. A free template will definitely make their lives easier.


Same as for a download center, first you must prepare content, then upload it to the website and add a proper form so people can leave their data in exchange for your materials.

Useful tools

Marketing Automation Platform – for automatic message sending.

What can be automated

Sending the message with the requested file.


  • Constantly expanded educational center,
  • Content Recycling,
  • Ability to use content in other channels.


  • Lead quality – they are not necessarily interested in making a purchase,
  • The possibility of obtaining false data if the file isn’t sent via email,
  • Messages might be labeled as a SPAM.



Forms Displayed on the Particular URLs


Contact form displays can be adjusted to the website’s specifics, to a specific URL or type of items browsed by the user.


Prepare several sets of forms, so each user sees only those that are related to the theme of the current page. Simplifying if a person looked through the tab with shaving products, display a pop-up with the smiling, clean-shaven model.

Useful tools

Marketing Automation  Platform:

  • Module to monitor contacts’ website behavior in real-time,
  • Contact forms and dynamic content wizard,
  • Pop-up wizard.

What can be automated

  • Re-showing products that have already been viewed,
  • Assigning acquired contacts to the sales funnels depending on viewer’s interests,
  • Shipping coupons/materials in exchange for filling out a form.


  • Possibility of interaction with anonymous contacts,
  • Communication rooted in users’ needs,
  • High level of personalization,
  • High conversion rate.


Necessity of adjusting the form to the lead’s engagement level (progressive profiling).



Dynamic Recommendation Frames


a window popping up while users browse the website. It can encourage visitors to leave data, as well as remind them of limited offers.


Connect real-time monitoring with the display of dynamic content on the page, to remind users what they’ve been interested in.

Useful tools

Marketing Automation Platform:

  • Module to monitor contacts’ website behavior in real-time,
  • Contact forms and dynamic content wizard,
  • Recommendation engine.

What can be automated

  • Re-showing products that have already been viewed,
  • Assigning acquired contacts to the sales funnels depending on viewer’s interests,
  • Shipping coupons/materials in exchange for filling out a form.


  • Possibility of interaction with anonymous contacts,
  • Communication rooted in users’ needs,
  • High level of personalization High conversion rate,
  • Possibility of combining different recommendation scenarios.



Personalized banners and contact forms


The banner can display: content tailored to users’ interests (if the user is properly tagged), their engagement level (scoring), or their current stage in the sales funnel.


Select form’s design, CTA, and the fields to be filled. Implement it in the selected page and select which group of visitors can see it – in this case, select the ‘don’t show to identified contacts’ option.

Useful tools

Marketing Automation Platform:

  • Contact form wizard,
  • Pop-up wizard.

What can be automated

  • Assigning acquired contacts to the sales funnels depending on viewer’s interests,
  • Shipping coupons/materials in exchange for filling out a form.


  • Possibility of interaction with anonymous contacts,
  • Communication rooted in users’ needs,
  • High conversion rate.


  • Necessity of adjusting the form to the lead’s engagement level (progressive profiling),
  • Necessity of preparing attractive benefits to exchange them for user’s data.





Periodically sent newsletters (to all or part of the database) allows you to maintain interest in the brand among consumers, attach them to it and inform them about important changes and events.


Place a newsletter sign in forms on visible places on the page . You can also use pop-ups to encourage people to leave their email address. If you decide that it is worth trying, you can offer a purchase discount in exchange for users’ data.

Useful tools

  • RSS using template wizard,
  • Discount code generator,
  • Email Marketing module combined with Marketing Automation Platform,
  • Header analyzing tool.

What can be automated

  • Sending a cyclical newsletter,
  • Loading content via RSS,
  • Generation and sending of discount codes.


  • Lack of attachment – perfect for fresh leads,
  • Familiarizing new people with the image of the brand,
  • High probability of data correctness,
  • Time-saving solution.


  • Necessity of updating the database and deleting the incorrect/outdated addresses,
  • Need for exact and detailed database segmentation.





A window popping up while users browse the website. It can encourage visitors to leave data, as well as remind them of limited offers.


Decide what type of pop-up you want to use, define its purpose and prepare a graphic creation. Also remember to prepare a so-called ‘thank you’ page, on which you will express your gratitude, post summary, or redirect to the landing page.

Useful tools

Marketing Automation Platform – to monitor website behavior A/B testing tool.

What can be automated

  • Pop-up display per user frequency,
  • Adjusting the displayed content to user’s interests and knowledge level,
  • Moment of window displaying.


  • High efficiency,
  • Very high conversion rates,
  • High quality of acquired leads,
  • Extending the focus time of readers.


  • User irritation,
  • Adblock usage.





We all like challenges and fun. A quiz is one of the most pleasant forms to interact with users.


Prepare questions, answers, result scoring and a description of results. Upload a plug or use a tool for quiz creation that allows you to embed content on your site.

Useful tools

  • Quiz plug-in,
  • Google docs,
  • Plugins/apps to create polls.

What can be automated

  • Sending results,
  • Tagging and segmentation of contacts according to their results.


  • Simplicity,
  • Most users will be happy to take part,
  • Obtaining additional information about fresh leads.


Someone must prepare questions, answers and result scoring.



Remarketing To Anonymous Visitors


There are worldwide companies that collect contact data and users’ consent to commercial information shipment. If you acces the platform integrated with those databases you can send messages to anonymous contacts who visited a monitored website.


Implement monitoring code from Marketing Automation Platform on the website.

Useful tools

What can be automated

  • Alerts for the call center,
  • Sending data to the call center and salespeople.


  • Significant increase in activity reach,
  • Dynamic messages sent to anonymous visitors.


Lead quality varies.





It is one of the easiest ways of generating new leads. Its clue is to offer a free item or service (in a limited number of pieces) in exchange for a set of data or a social media share.


Prepare: blog or website articles, forms and banners, and inform potential leads about this event (newsletter, social media, app users, customers in brick-and-mortar shop).

Useful tools

  • Pop-ups and form wizard,
  • Social media post planner.

What can be automated

  • Sending a ‘thank you’ email to the people involved in the action,
  • Tracking mentions in social media,
  • Drawing the winners.


  • Good feedback,
  • Simplicity,
  • Relatively low cost of acquiring the lead.


Low lead quality.



Live Chat


It’s good to have a place on the website where visitors can get answers to their questions from a flesh and blood consultant in real-time. That’s the effect you can get if you put a Live Chat window on a site.


Implement a proper code on the website.

Useful tools

Marketing Automation Platform integrated with Live Chat.

What can be automated

  • Moment of displaying chat window to a user,
  • Adding email address to CRM,
  • Adding the scoring CRM.


  • Warming the brand’s image,
  • Real-time contact on the website.


Someone must answer the chat 24/7.





The above-described contact forms can also connect with any sidebar and be used to collect the contact information. Sidebar is the window poping up from the side of the page, which can effectively catch the attention of the user and can redirect them to any subpage, or just collect their contact details.


Prepare creation, choose the way the sidebar pops, prepare a form, and implement the code on the website. Define the target group as an anonymous contacts, i.e. those that are unmonitored and not included on the CRM.

Useful tools

Marketing Automation Platform:

  • Contact form wizard,
  • Sidebar wizard.

What can be automated

  • Adding contact to the sales funnels according ot their interests,
  • Coupon / content sending after filling the form.


  • Interaction with the anonymous contacts,
  • High conversion rate.


  • Not full set of data (if done with progressive profiling practice in mind),
  • Attractive prizes necessary.



Web push


Web push notification is a relatively new communication tool. The main idea is to send short notifications to users who have given their consent from the browser level.


Using the plugin, code on the website or the right platform set the web push display, prepare a set of various notifications, and develop the conditions and frequency of their display. Remember to prepare a consent form.

Useful tools

Marketing Automation Platform to prepare, set and analyze web pushes.

What can be automated

Message display.


  • New way to communicate with users,
  • Communication with anonymous users,
  • Easy way to highlight the offer.



Mobile Channel

Mobile App – Progressive Profiling


Usersare not eager to give full set of information about themselves during the first contact. Progressive profiling allows to acquire this information gradually as users’ confidence increase.


While creating a mobile app plan the various stages of obtaining information, prepare the forms and offer prizes to exchange for the data.

Useful tools

Form wizard Mobile Marketing Automation Platform.

What can be automated

  • Showing forms,
  • Sending prizes,
  • Completing behavioral profiles.


  • Gaining users’ trust,
  • Building loyalty.


Slow pace of the process.



Burst Campaign


Intensive promotion with a large budget, usually offering additional benefits in return for the installation of the app, or setting up an account.


Select a target group, channels in which you want to reach users, define the budget and campaign’s duration, and KPIs. Start intensive actions and constantly monitor their effects.

Useful tools

  • UTM generator to track sources’ efficiency,
  • Tool to track CPI and conversions,
  • Mobile Marketing Automation Platform to store the contacts,
  • Tool to segment the contacts and tell leads from random downloaders.

What can be automated

  • social media posting,
  • Leads tagging according to source of acquiring,
  • Prize sending.


  • Wide range,
  • Huge amounts of new leads.


Various / low quality of leads.



QR codes


QR codes can redirect users to any landing page with a form. With creative use of these codes a company can intrigue potential buyers.


Prepare a landing page, generate QR codes and put them on the appropriate objects (posters, parcels, etc.). Remember that to read the QRs user needs physical access to the object (they must keep they phone still for a few seconds and be close enough to fit the image on the screen) and internet access.

Useful tools

  • QR generator,
  • Landing page and forms generator.

What can be automated

  • Discount codes generation,
  • Message sending after QR has been scanned.


Additional way of using the mobile channel.


  • User must download QR reader on the smartphone,
  • User must access internet to be redirected by a code.





Beacons are small devices using BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy), which can send notifications to smartphones. These notifications can encourage registration in exchange for discounts or freebies while shopping. Such notifications sent, for example, when shopping can spark shoppers’ interest.


Arrange beacons in a given location, prepare the notification content, and automate notification sending.

Useful tools

Mobile Marketing Automation Platform integrated with CRM to use the full potential of the omnichannel.

What can be automated

Message sending Contacts import to CRM.


Context-based actions,

High efficacy.



Soft Launch


Before releasing a paid version of the application to the target market, you can share it for free for a smaller yet similar group of users.


Find audience like the one you are creating the application for (eg. residents of neighboring geographic region) and enable it for them as a freeware.

Useful tools

Mobile Marketing Automation Platform.

What can be automated

  • Behavioral data collection,
  • Contact segmentation.


  • Possibility of pre-launch behavioral data collection,
  • Acquiring feedback from users before official launch.


Social Media


LinkedIn Article


LinkedIn is a social networking site for professionals, allowing to build a network. By publishing expert articles one can interest a group of people looking for specific tools or products with a named solution.


Prepare text and upload it using the “Publish a post” button. The article should be specific and helpful. It should not focus too much on promoting a particular brand or product. You can also share posts from other sources as updates.

Useful tools

  • Text editor,
  • Micro-content tool.


High quality of leads.


“Publish a post” option isn’t available worldwide yet.



Facebook Live Stream


Facebook allows for live coverage transmission. Use it and prepare an interesting tutorial or webinar.


Develop scenario and remember to engage viewers during the live streaming. Encourage viewers to ask further questions and show them how they can contact you.

Useful tools

  • Custom audience tool – to promote the event,
  • Marketing Automation Platform integrated with Facebook bots – to automate the chat,
  • Social media post scheduling tool.

What can be automated

Chat – with a bot.


  • Simplicity,
  • Wide range,
  • Relatively low cost,


Various quality of leads.



Facebook Lead Ads


On Facebook, you can exchange content for contact details. This can be an invitation to the webinar, free record or discount for shopping.


You will need a set of graphics and content, you want to encourage potential customers with. Depending on what do you offer (webinar, recording, coupon, educational content), prepare the landing page and autoresponder sending immediately relevant materials and links to people who left their data.

Useful tools

Tool that automatically import contact from Facebook forms, or Marketing Automation Platform integrated with such tool.

What can be automated

  • Import of leads to CRM,
  • Lead tagging,
  • Autoresponder.


  • Simplicity,
  • Wide range,
  • Relatively low cost.


Various quality of leads.





Most of the social platforms have a bunch of very influential users who have a large impact on their target group. You can cooperate with them, so they mention your company here and there, presented a product or service, and showed it in a positive light.


Prepare content and guidelines and determine the terms of cooperation with the selected person. Remember to put some relevant links in text.

Useful tools

  • UTM generator,
  • Platform that connects you with influencers.

What can be automated

Content distribution on a platform gathering influencers.


  • Wide range,
  • Good quality of a database,
  • Expert proof.


Lack of direct control over the process.



LinkedIn Experts


LinkedIn users have very precisely defined professional profiles. If you know who you want to win as a lead you can find them right here, and of course interest them in what you have to offer.


Determine who you want to interest with your offer, then search for a person with a matching profile and connect with them.

Useful tools

Marketing Automation Platform – to create a buyer persona with the data you already have in your system.

What can be automated

Collecting behavioral data about the potential and existing customers on the website.


  • High personalization of the message,
  • Segmentation of potential leads according to interests and professional profile.


  • Takes a lot of time,
  • Low possibility of automation.



Messenger & Bots


Companies, same as individuals, can contact other users through the Messenger application. This is an excellent and quick way for a dialogue with customers. In addition, it allows to engage a bot in simple activities, such as to answer simple questions, present the offer and direct users to the appropriate landing page.


Prepare a bot conversation scenario and deploy it to the Messenger of your fanpage using one of the many options available.

Useful tools

  • Bot wizard,
  • Tool allowing for bot integration with CRM.

What can be automated

  • Conversation with the customer,
  • Recommendation of products or offer,
  • Alerts for support and sales departments.


  • Saving employees time,
  • Improve response time statistics on Facebook,
  • Quick response to customer needs.


  • Multiple possible scenarios,
  • Scenarios must be prepared.


Quora answers


Quora is a platform where you can ask questions and share their knowledge in selected areas.


Create a free account, select the areas where you know the answers to the questions and start your activity. Responding to a question you can to link to the relevant product or landing page.

Useful tools

UTM generator.


  • Zero costs,
  • More than one category of answers,
  • Simplicity.


You must answer ona regular basis to maintain your reputation.



Slide Share


Slideshare is a platform for sharing visual content – presentations. It is often used by the experts, therefore, you should provide useful, aesthetic and attractive content there.


Prepare a presentation, create an account (you can connect it with your LinkedIn account), upload the presentation, add a description and tags, and leave a link to the appropriate contact form in a visible place. Additionally, you can set it as the gated content, so that only people who leave the data can enjou the entire presentation.

Useful tools

  • Presentation editor,
  • Micro-content tool.


  • Building a positive image,
  • The large popularity of visual content,
  • Opportunity to complete LinkedIn profile.


It takes a lot of work to create a decent presentation.



Twitter & #


Hashtags help you find Twitter messages with similar content. They also ease locating people with similar interests.


Connect with people who write about things related to your area of expertise.

Useful tools

A tool for web mentions tracking.

What can be automated

Web mentions alerts.


  • Simplicity,
  • Quick solution.


Low possibility of automation.






People love to share their opinions, so it is worth asking them to fill out questionnaires related to purchase. If you also promise them something in return for leaving the data (competition, discount) you are probably going to expand your data base with people who visited your brick-and-mortar store.


Prepare surveys and engage workers who will poll customers.

Useful tools

  • Spreadsheet,
  • An application to create polls.


  • The new audience,
  • Targeting customers in another channel.




Loyalty programs


Many stores run customer loyalty programs. In exchange for frequent shopping in the store they can take advantage of the discounts and special offers.


Prepare tokens for program participants, a brief personnel survey and remuneration system.

Useful tools

  • Marketing Automation Platform integrated with CRM to collect properly tagged contacts,
  • Mobile marketing module to send text messages.


  • High precision in the description of the contact,
  • Warming a lead before import to the system.


Random contacts.




Press Release


If you want people to find they must first acknowledge your existence. Appearing in industry surveys and periodicals increases the awareness of your brand among consumers.


If you have something to be proud of, write a short press release and distribute it to the people who can spread it country wide.

Useful tools

Generator UTM.


  • Wide range,
  • Targeting new group of potential customers.


Lack of a direct control over the process.



Word of Mouth Marketing


The Internet is full of professional forums and discussion groups. Be there. Share expert knowledge and answer questions.


Monitor threads on selected newsgroups, share answers, suggest solutions to problems and additionally show the perks of using your products.

Useful tools

  • UTM generator,
  • Web mentions tracking tool.

What can be automated


  • Wide range,
  • Targeting new group of potential customers.


If done in a wrong way it gives you “spamer” label.





We often buy according to the opinions found in the internet. Make sure that your product has been evaluated by customers.


Ask users to write opinions and remind them by email if they forget to do so. Simplify the process by sending them a link where they can rate your services.

Useful tools

Autoresponder Email Marketing on Marketing Automation Platform.

What can be automated

Sending message in a defined period of time after the purchase.


  • High efficiency,
  • High quality of the leads.





If a product is recommended by someone you trust, it is likely that you will want to try it out.


Don’t be afraid to ask customers for recommendations. If they are satisfied with your product, there is a chance that they will want to recommend it to friends and relatives.

Useful tools

Autoresponder Email Marketing on Marketing Automation Platform.

What can be automated

Sending messages to your customers.


  • High efficiency,
  • High quality of the leads,
  • Warming contacts.





Email Footer

Every day we send dozens of emails. Use each message to the fullest and include information, for example about the organized event, or a link to the library with educational ebooks.


Prepare the text, add the graphics and link to the landing page. Join the creation to your email footer.

Useful tools

Micro-content tool.


  • Optimizing actions,
  • Lack of extra costs,
  • Simplicity.




SALESmanago is a Customer Engagement Platform for impact-hungry eCommerce marketing teams who want to be lean yet powerful, trusted revenue growth partners for CEOs. Our AI-driven solutions have already been adopted by 2000+ mid-size businesses in 50 countries, as well as many well-known global brands such as Starbucks, Vodafone, Lacoste, KFC, New Balance and Victoria’s Secret.

SALESmanago delivers on its promise of maximizing revenue growth and improving eCommerce KPIs by leveraging three principles: (1) Customer Intimacy to create authentic customer relationships based on Zero and First Party Data; (2) Precision Execution to provide superior Omnichannel customer experience thanks to Hyperpersonalization; and (3) Growth Intelligence merging human and AI-based guidance enabling pragmatic and faster decision making for maximum impact.

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