5 reasons to switch from E-mail Marketing to Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation isn’t another e-Mail Marketing system. It’s a completely new state-of-art tool for marketers and marketing departments, which not only sends e-mails and newsletters, but also identifies and monitors people from your contact base on your WWW website.

You will use data about your clients on your WWW website that is collected by the system to personalize marketing actions in all marketing channels.

– automatic e-mails with tailored offers and content

– dynamic personalized content matched to concrete visitors on your website

– notifications for sales reps about which contacts are interested in your products and services

Why the best and the largest Polish companies opt for the SALESmanago system?

1. Marketing Automation provides a professional e-mail marketing system for free with an unlimited e-mail sending possibility

When you create an account in the marketing automation system you get your own account to send newsletters and e-mailings and also a professional e-mail marketing system with an unlimited e-mail and newsletter sending possibility that you won’t have to pay for. As a result, at the same price you get a lot more (CRM, dynamic WWW website content).

2. SALESmanago identifies people that visit your WWW website and monitors their behavior – you collect unique data that enables effective sales increases.  

The marketing automation system monitors behaviors of particular people from your database on your whole www website. You find out exactly which phrases directed the given potential client to your website and what pages did he visit. Thanks to that, your marketing and sales departments will gain specific knowledge on the prospect’s interests.

Contact behavioral monitoring on your WWW website

Identification of your WWW website visitors in real time

Identification of companies that visit your WWW website with information about their interest

3. Marketing Automation enables involving the marketer and the marketing department in the sales processes and educating potential clients in the Lead Nurturing programs.  

In the Marketing system marketers (education of potential clients, e-mail marketing) and sales reps (sales funnels and CRM) work together and together they realize the sales goals. The marketing department prepares prospects for being contacted with sales representatives and it creates the educational processes including all available channels.

4. Marketing Automation is a sales support tool that provides unique knowledge for sales reps about potential clients (Lead Scoring) and points at clients that they should contact.

The Marketing Automation system analyzes the customer’s behavior and provides information about the potential client’s Scoring to sales reps and shows a perfect moment to start direct selling.

5. SALESmanago enables advanced integrations with CRM/ERM/ transactional systems and using data on transactions and client purchases for automation.

The marketing automation system enables an advanced integration with the CRM system from clients and the reflection of sales cycles in the MA system and automatic client transactional data transporting.  Thanks to that, in the Marketing Automation system we have a perfect combination of behavioral and transactional data which we can use in automation.

The Automation system significantly increases the effectiveness of e-Mail Marketing.

Below the summation of effects of companies that use SALESmanago.




Exemplary functionalities that you won’t find in an e-Mail Marketing system and you will find in Marketing Automation

1. Comprehensive database of clients and potential clients

2. Sales funnels, sales campaigns and notifications for sales reps

3. Comprehensive contact behavior monitoring online and via mobile apps

4. Module of creating automation sales and marketing processes

5. Lead Nurturing programs and educational programs for potential clients

6. Automating communication with clients via e-mail, www and call center

7. Comprehensive integration with external CRM/ERP/Business Intelligence systems

8. System of the potential clients’ scoring (Lead Scoring)

9. Dynamic contact forms and progressive profiling

10. Advanced contact segmentation on basis of the behavioral and transactional data

11. Automatic tasks, notes and sales alerts

12. Management of the whole client lifecycle (marketing lifecycle)

13. Modules that enable cooperation between marketing and sales departments

14. Automated management of marketing events

15. Full analytics of marketing actions and ROI analysis

16. Expanded structure of roles and permissions of the system users

17. Management of B2B visits – identification of companies that visit the website

18. Monitoring e-mails with B2B and B2C sales offers

19. Dynamic Segmentation

20. Intelligent two-way SMS and VMS messages

21. Dynamic content on the WWW website

22. Call center and telemarketing module

23. Automated analytics and sales reporting

24. Marketing mix analytics of the sales process

25. Dynamic content on the WWW website for profiled anonymous visits

See our pricing and try the system for free >

or write to info@salesmanago.pl if you want our Product Manager to prepare an individual presentation of the system online and tell you how to use it in your company

SALESmanago is a Customer Engagement Platform for impact-hungry eCommerce marketing teams who want to be lean yet powerful, trusted revenue growth partners for CEOs. Our AI-driven solutions have already been adopted by 2000+ mid-size businesses in 50 countries, as well as many well-known global brands such as Starbucks, Vodafone, Lacoste, KFC, New Balance and Victoria’s Secret.

SALESmanago delivers on its promise of maximizing revenue growth and improving eCommerce KPIs by leveraging three principles: (1) Customer Intimacy to create authentic customer relationships based on Zero and First Party Data; (2) Precision Execution to provide superior Omnichannel customer experience thanks to Hyperpersonalization; and (3) Growth Intelligence merging human and AI-based guidance enabling pragmatic and faster decision making for maximum impact.

More information: www.salesmanago.com

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